Is a bit busy for me 26th am with the houndssss for Boxing Day meet, 27th got a pheasant shoot on, 28th Pay & play day at Bordon- broxhead common, 29th pheasant shoot so I'm out of it am affraid.
Went out today did a few lanes with a few mates did some rather challenging lanes I've not done in a year or so. One lane defeated us wich is pictured below, the red 90 is running 37"s and front& back air lockers, it was just a bog had to winch through it as truck was just floating on top of the water. Other 3 of us turned round wich took some time as its banks either side, it Had been re surfaced but they didn't mend any of the water or drainage so it's still the same.
After this lane outside alton (it wasn't water lane) headed to petersfield/buriton and lane there was just as bad. Red truck thats on 37"s got up it, to where he met a tree down and had to reverse all back down it. I got half up the lane but got beached even on the 285"s, other two got up to where I was but both needed rear air lockers in as only on 265"s. No pics of that sadly,
Then a few more "normal" lanes was nice then headed to greatham lane-- this one-- video from when we went out last November!
wich is bad now, the holes are now about 5ft deep level with water and the climbs out the holes are near vertical odd and very boggy clay. we all got through but the two trucks on 265s had to put air lockers in and one had to winch as just no ground clearance.
We won't touch these lanes now till spring don't think not till they've dryed out and had a chance to recover abit, hopefully some of the big clubs that go out will leave them alone aswell but can't tell what the lanes are like till you go down them.