Due to my very poor taste in music they've banned it :p
Will upload with no music lol.
All it is- is a lane with some tight hedges lol.
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Hahaaa! You've done one of the tight lanes In your old one emma, the lane near Alton drive up a hill off the main road and then drive along top of field and drop downs steep slope with tight corner and trees at the bottom? Was a video on here of it of the keep trying to get up?. And the video am trying upload is the only other tight one. Mite give it a miss, it will be the 2nd lane on route.
Is it the one with some telegraph poles along on the right Max. I can't remember which one it is but it's near Alton. I've been down it a few times and it literally narrows to 3 feet wide at the end.
Not not that one Paul. You've done it before and had no problem on. It up by the golden pot pub on the odiham road out of Alton.
Got a right devil of a lane we tried out the other week. Even with front and back air lockers on 37"s couldn't do it. Only way up by winch. Can get down it fine lol. It's all clay so soon as it's wet it goes to ice. The lane isn't in bad condition as has an anual tro during the winter so we ain't damaging and tearing it up etc ;)

And yes I know the lane your on about now. Just real overgrown
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Got a right devil of a lane we tried out the other week. Even with front and back air lockers on 37"s couldn't do it. Only way up by winch. Can get down it fine lol. It's all clay so soon as it's wet it goes to ice. The lane isn't in bad condition as has an anual tro during the winter so we ain't damaging and tearing it up etc ;)

no good for std motors then

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