I fine with scratchy lanes and as I'll only be doing the last half if you want to do the clay down hill one go head.
Don't think the others will want to do the clay down hill that's the thing.
Will leave it for this trip ah think ;)
It sounds fun, but I don't think I'm ready for it yet.

Do you have any info on the PnP site in Borden (broxhead?), I know it's often used by the all wheel drive club but I can't find much info on it.
We fancy doing that on father day if we can.
Hi mate, there's quite a few clubs that rent out the bordon sites,
Check the all wheel drive club, the four wheel drive club, Thames valley you know about already, hampshire & Berkshire land rover club,
Think there all on facebook aswell,
I haven't had a chance to look over all the clubs dates yet as been very busy lol.
It sounds fun, but I don't think I'm ready for it yet.

Do you have any info on the PnP site in Borden (broxhead?), I know it's often used by the all wheel drive club but I can't find much info on it.
We fancy doing that on father day if we can.

Laning is a lot safer & easier than a P&P site. Particularly if you go with others - If it is too difficult to be driven - it shouldnt be driven.
Laning is a lot safer & easier than a P&P site. Particularly if you go with others - If it is too difficult to be driven - it shouldnt be driven.

I agree, however at a PnP site (and I'm assuming that they are generally like Slab Common) you only have to do what you want to.
Also I feel they are a good place to increase your skills without tearing up green lanes due to lack of experience.
Ok matey, yeh I understand ya!
Are you pulling out of tomorow night then?

Not at all, I'm looking forward to it.

I'm just saying that I want to learn more about the Disco and how to drive the more challenging stuff, so when I do move onto the more interesting lanes I don't do any undue damage spoiling it for other.

I feel it's a more responsible approach.
Ah good good,
ok then sounds like a plan, the more offroad driving ya do the more you get a feel for it, can tell what you can get get away with and not lol.
Or go for the turbo nutter basterd on a P&P site and just go flat out till ya get stuck lol :p
Ah good good,
ok then sounds like a plan, the more offroad driving ya do the more you get a feel for it, can tell what you can get get away with and not lol.

Or go for the turbo nutter basterd on a P&P site and just go flat out till ya get stuck lol :p

You got it.

You don't have to go turbo nutter basterd on a PnP site, you can go slowly and build up speed slowly without breaking anything, or not too much anyway
Not at all, I'm looking forward to it.

I'm just saying that I want to learn more about the Disco and how to drive the more challenging stuff, so when I do move onto the more interesting lanes I don't do any undue damage spoiling it for other.

I feel it's a more responsible approach.

its worth doing a course, i have done 2 now, a one day one with my brother for a laugh and a more intensive 3 day one with work. both were a few years back now but you dont forget that easily, and the basics can make a big difference.

just do a 1 day course at a 4x4 centre will teach you loads about car control, how to approach things, what to do if you get stuck halfway up a steep incline, crossing a ditch etc
You'll also learn so much from everyone youre laning with, they'll sit in with you if you wish, there's so many members on here and not on here anymore that have helped me and continue to help. Even little things like how you're holding the steering wheel, I put a vid up here and someone commented not to put my thumbs through the steering wheel in case I was pulled and they'd break! How to easily get your vehicle into diff etc, and which gear to be in. I did an experience day and they were excellent they teach you loads and you're not in your car if you're worried about damage ;)
Don't know about anyone else but we've got some boootiful weather here now so should be a nice eavning touch wood!
Yep, it was ****ing it down this morning, but nice and sunny now.

Pity most of the sunlight will be gone by the time I join up with you lot.

Good tip about the thumbs, I have heard it before, but forgotten about it.

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