Great bimble around the "nice" lanes, thanks Andy. Done all those lanes in my Freelander back in a day. Even saw a 12 reg Evoque on the lane up near Frensham :eek: Mind that paintwork!!!

Next time I'll remember milk and cake... :eek:
No worries, it was a pleasant way to spend a few hours on a sunny sunday.

Nah I ducked out of trying that other vehicle, its only just got back from its last holiday in the garage!
Ello all, next time you all go out lanning could I join the crew as such? Am fed up going with me mates and wrecking my wagon up, breaking half shafts and many beaten pannels haha, I'm guessing you'll all be a little less extreme on here and do a few sensible lanes?? ;) where abouts does everyone meet and what rough area do you usually go?
Sorry if sounds a little intrusive!!
Cheers for now, Max.
You would be more than welcome max, we meet regularly usually at the devils punchbowl, most of the lanes are fairly easy but then again there are a few tough ones to keep us on our toes, keep an eye on the thread for meet details
You would be more than welcome max, we meet regularly usually at the devils punchbowl, most of the lanes are fairly easy but then again there are a few tough ones to keep us on our toes, keep an eye on the thread for meet details

Thanks matey. Will do.
Anyone got plans for the Aug bank hols sun or Monday? Can't do the sat at a horse show and would like to go to rudgwick steam show thingy on either the mon on sun but can work that out around laning if everyone's free?
A trip out on the Monday would be great :) at airshow on the Sunday and working Saturday so if anyone ventures on Monday give me a hoy and ill get me arris in gear :D
Bank holiday? What's that then? Something that happens to people who aren't self employed I suppose.

Anyone know what date this happens?

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