yup - that is fine - either 2 groups, say 5 minutes apart, or what we sometimes do is get each group to do the same lanes but in opposite order, that way you are checking all the lanes, and meet up in the middle at a pub :D. that way any lane probs, you can swap info :D. you will need both groups to be able to contact each other (diiff cb channel) in case there are any holdups or probs.
So typical, a chance to meet other like minded laners and I'm working. Is anyone going to the London to Brighton event on the Sunday? Would anyone like to pre-plan another event in the near future?
So typical, a chance to meet other like minded laners and I'm working. Is anyone going to the London to Brighton event on the Sunday? Would anyone like to pre-plan another event in the near future?

I definitely at the L2B, camping on the sat nite, though I'll be going down to Brighton with the first run out
I'm doing the L2b and was going to be laning on the saturday.

But with the weather being good and warm for the next few days I had better be sensible and waxoyl the beast on saturday whilst the weather is still warm. Degreased and jet washed today and a couple of days to dry out hopefully..

Gutted to be missing out on saturday but will def be up any time in the future for some very easy laning. And if anyone wants to say hi at l2b then feel free.
Gents is this meet still going ahead? I see a few can't make it but I am still available and as keen as ever.
Ok so to recap were meeting at 10am on sat the 1st of october at the car park on the A24 near the Burford Bridge Hotel post code is RH5 6BX there should be around 9 of us so should be good fun and as i said before the lanes are farly easy so should pose no problems if you are a novice, CBs would be good if you have them. Steve

Still standing??
Sorry to have missed it guys, couldn't get an MOT pass. Fixed it in a rush, got it to garage and they couldn't retest til Monday. It failed on the horn only, but the new steering rotary coupling I bought was ****ed, so no horn. Got a another(!) new one, whacked it in, worked, rolled in to the test centre beeping, but they couldn't spare the 5 ****ing minutes to retest :mad:


Any photos would be appreciated, and would REALLY like a meet ASAP!
Only Steve (V8 Man) and myself showed. We had a great time, I was a greenlane virgin before today and really enjoyed putting the 110 to good use. Steve and I may go out again next weekend if you are up for it?

My wife asked if I was going to polish out the scratches caused by various hedgerows and brambles, personally I think they add character so will be staying.
Oh bloody hell! Sorry I couldn't have let you know sooner. So whereabouts are you from?

Next weekend I'm going to be going to Aldermaston pay and play, how about it? I've never been to one before, well up for it.

4x4 Without A Club

Scratches etc, well they're meant to have them, you drive a land rover!
Yeah you load of blowouts what happened to all of you thought we would have at least 5 as i know a couple said they couldnt make it ? and only me and mud turned up.
Don't let it put you off cos I'm all waxoyled up and raring to go . Am going to Boxgrove next weekend I think but any time your planning another trip let us know..
The V8 Man and myself intend going out and doing some laning this Sunday, not sure if we are doing the same lanes as last week or whether V8 Man has some alternative lanes planned for this weekend, I am sure he will post details once he reads this thread again and anyone wishing to join us will be welcome.

Tarantula, thanks for the invite to the P&P, maybe sometime in the future once I have tried my hand a few more times at laning and feel confident enough to tackle more demanding terrain.

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