went a bought a cheapy maplin cb and got it plumbed in today. :bounce: but I don't know if it works yet :scratching_chin: it makes all the right noises.

ah excellent, check here if unsure Advice Pages , Advice on Installing

Basically, as long as it has a power connection to the battery, and an antenna connected to it then it should work. Only thing to worry about is that the antenna has a good groundplane, either magmount on the roof or guttermount
My Grandad is a radio ham so I'll get him to swr it. Didn't have time today though. I didn't go with gutter mount or mag I bolted in in place of a wing mirror hole I had in the front near side wing. Should whip a few pedestrians as I'm passing. :p
Well what a great days laning i really enjoyed it, non stop from 10 till around 6, and a big thanks to Locky1978 or paul for taking the time to plan the route and lead us through it, my first time for fording a bit scary but no real issues, hopefully the videos he took will be here to view soon. When i sus how to upload mine ill get mine on too
Yeah It was a really great day. Thanks for your company guys. I should be able to get the vids on tonight. I like the gas stove Simon, really good idea. Cant beat a fresh brew in the fresh air. Well fresh air when I turned my engine off anyway :rolleyes:
Thanks for coming down and giving it a go! We're pros at fords now. How many was it... 5 ? not including the small ones.
I was looking at my camera and I can get about 6 hours of recording time on it. I might sort a dash mount for it and just record the lot next time. It's hard to think about recording stuff otherwise.
Thanks Paul for sorting out all the arrangements was a great day out. Hope you can make it down this way some time for our usual route, I quite fancy doing a nighttime run some time soon.

Simon, yeah I'll definitely come over and do one of your routes. Once I get my overdrive fitted the journey should be a bit more manageable.
Simon, yeah I'll definitely come over and do one of your routes. Once I get my overdrive fitted the journey should be a bit more manageable.
Yeah me and simon will check out a few we havent done to add to our route to make a day of it, good vids by the way, i did do some too but not sure how to upload them, they are a bit shaky as its difficult to hold it still and drive at the same time, ill have to rig up something to hold it on the dash maybe, How much recording time is there on an 8gb card there is a 4 with a c around it is that 4 hrs ?
I just checked my camera and it's a 16gb card which gives 8 hours so it would make sense that an 8gb will give 4 hours.
I think dash mount is definitely the way to go, then just flick it on and off for each lane. Like you say it's too tricky trying to do it all.
I'm going to make up a mount for the next outing!! I'd imagine it has to be right up against the glass to stop the camera toggling the focus between the glass and the view in front.
Easiest way to upload them is to set up an account with youtube then just upload straight from your pc. You can make the vids private so people can't search for them. Then just post the video address that youtube gives you on here.
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Filming time completely depends on resolution you're filming at.

Where are these fords around Farnham?? Very local so quite up for it!

I'm gonna drop V8 Man a PM with my number as I keep missing meets, well up for meeting, but never get online at the right time!
Filming time completely depends on resolution so varies from camera to camera massively.

Where are these routes around Farnham? Very local so well up for it.

Gutted to have missed out, dropping V8Man a PM now with my number keep me posted as I keep missing out due to not getting online!
Filming time completely depends on resolution so varies from camera to camera massively.

Where are these routes around Farnham? Very local so well up for it.

Gutted to have missed out, dropping V8Man a PM now with my number keep me posted as I keep missing out due to not getting online!
PM replied to, i dunno why you keep missing out i always post a week or so in advance, you should check daily like i do ok

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