Ok well im up for a trip out this saturday if anyone wants to come out, there was a route in LRI in the march issue which i fancy trying all around farnham so let me know if you guys fancy that ok
Hi Guys, I'd be up for the route in LRI. I live in Farnham and I've done a few of the lanes. Did some last weekend and came across a few rutted ones. Hard and dry though.
I've been wanting to have a go at the route for a while.

Check it out.

Rutted lane

Water crossing
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I might be up for this, depends though on how early you want to start as I don't finish work until 6am and will need lots of beauty sleep. I'll watch the thread and let you know.
Hi Guys, I'd be up for the route in LRI. I live in Farnham and I've done a few of the lanes. Did some last weekend and came across a few rutted ones. Hard and dry though.
I've been wanting to have a go at the route for a while.

Check it out.

http://www.facebook.com/v/101514327...owfullscreen="true" width="226" height="400">

http://www.facebook.com/v/101514572...owfullscreen="true" width="226" height="400">
Sounds good mate, i cant seem to view those vids as it says ther are secure ? can you also pm me your number so i can contact you if needs be thanks.
Got wheels day at aldershot gd friday then putting up new garden fence sat/sun as it was blown down back in feb !!!
So as it's very dry out i shall stand down from this one, but would like to join you on future occasions.
I must admit I don't think that water crossing is in the LRI magazine. It's very close to one of the lanes though so I had to do it. I think there are about 4 ford crossings on the route anyway.
I must admit I don't think that water crossing is in the LRI magazine. It's very close to one of the lanes though so I had to do it. I think there are about 4 ford crossings on the route anyway.
not too deep are they, my disco is standard and dont want any puddles inside lol
went a bought a cheapy maplin cb and got it plumbed in today. :bounce: but I don't know if it works yet :scratching_chin: it makes all the right noises.

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