Active Member
Hi everyone

A few years ago now i owned a land rover, and did strata Florida with a friend. Sold it. Since then i have purchased another one and want to start green laning again.

I understand and totally aware of the green lane code of conduct but appreciate no body can confirm that.

I want to do all my own research, as i understand people dont like passing on green lane co ordinates to anyone. I'd like to find good green lanes close to where I'll be stopping in a few weeks. Which will be aberdovey north wales. I plan to do strata Florida on the one day, and some more lanes on the sunday from aberdovey.
Ive heard of bomber lane, happy valley.

Now ive read the sticky at the top of the page, but that still leaves me non the wiser.

How can i find byways that are firstly good and interesting and worth doing. Because just looking at an OS map doesnt tell me?

Will joing the green lane association help Me? Ive had a look at trailwise, but again still non the wiser whether the routes are worth doing. I just need to be pointed in the right direction. And then do my own research from there.

Can anyone help me. Happy to discuss privately if possible if people dont want to discuss over forum. And more than happy to join the green lane association. Want to be 100% legal and accurate.

Many thanks.
There's a lot more info available on Trailwise to members than there is to non members. Members can view user comments on lanes (eg, easy, technical, scratchy etc) which will give you an idea as to what a lane is like.
There's a lot more info available on Trailwise to members than there is to non members. Members can view user comments on lanes (eg, easy, technical, scratchy etc) which will give you an idea as to what a lane is like.

Thanks very much Steve thats the the kind of direction i wanted pointing in. Does trailwise give the name of the lane too? I know it does for strata florida. But would like to look for happy valley and bomber lane etc. All around that area.
Im niether. So whats the best way for me to get started?

Dunno where you live, but the County Council may have mapping on the internet. May not be the full definitive map, but should be more up to date than os, and will have BOATs, ORPAs and restricted byways clearly marked. Cornwall Council have an interactive map on their website, I use it quite a lot. CC may have a rights of way officer, you can ring them for advice on TROs etc.

Would be a good idea to join GLASS anyway, its not that expensive, and you will be able to use trailwise. But more importantly, they need support in their ongoing fight to stop laning being outlawed altogether!
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Dunno where you live, but the County Council may have mapping on the internet. May not be the full definitive map, but should be more up to date than os, and will have BOATs, ORPAs and restricted byways clearly marked. Cornwall Council have an interactive map on their website, I use it quite a lot. CC may have a rights of way officer, you can ring them for advice on TROs etc.

Thanks Turboman. I aim to do strata Florida one day, and then some lanes around barmouth/dovey the next day. Even ringing the council, i dont think im going to find out which byways are worth driving or not am i?
Thanks Turboman. I aim to do strata Florida one day, and then some lanes around barmouth/dovey the next day. Even ringing the council, i dont think im going to find out which byways are worth driving or not am i?

No, even if the roads are legal to drive, conditions can change day to day, you will just have to recce them carefully yourself.
Can I just say I wouldn't advise doing any lanes alone, most of the lanes in that area don't have phone signal and a breakdown or other problem could turn into a nightmare.
Thats a good point. I like fairly challenging but doable in fairly standard defender. Not a plod.
There in lies more subjective thought, one man's challenge is another's plod :)

I'm old-fashioned, and I love maps, so thats what I do, sit there with maps and highlighter pen. Maps can actually give a fairly good idea what a route may be like on the ground with experience

Then check the relevant county interactive ROW map, and perhaps ask around on forums if it has been driven, what it was like etc. Trailwise is OK, but the dates are messed up. I tried adding a few last month and it wouldn't let me put the correct date in.

Then I go out and drive it, if alone I am uber-careful. Only once have I ever gotten stuck, and even that was a gentle stick that self-recovery was possible with straps and ingenuity.

As you like a challenge, I would not recommend soloing, especially as apparently somewhat a newcomer to laning. Pack a stove and kettle, you may have long waits for assistance if it goes wrong
I'm old-fashioned, and I love maps, so thats what I do, sit there with maps and highlighter pen. Maps can actually give a fairly good idea what a route may be like on the ground with experience

Yes I just use paper maps too, but some of my laning mates use OS app on tablet. The two complement each other, some things are clearer on the puter, but the map is better for overview, and as a back up if no battery, mobile signal etc.

Then check the relevant county interactive ROW map, and perhaps ask around on forums if it has been driven, what it was like etc. Trailwise is OK, but the dates are messed up. I tried adding a few last month and it wouldn't let me put the correct date in.

I have found Trailwise is not always updated much, and I have personally logged usages which are now not visible on Trailwise. Other people have told me the same!
So now I tend to use the CC mapping service, and I find it very helpful.
I use digital too, Memory map on my tablet which I fill from desktop PC with routes (including tarmac between lanes) No need for phone signal thankfully, and it also records my routes, so I can transfer them back to desktop and add notes, scratchy, rutted, impassable etc.

I forgot one other answer for the OP, find a local group and join in, I found one near me, they tend to have a laning day about once a month and if asked about a lane they know are happy to share information
Why not try a google search for one of the people who do escorted tours in that area. Would be a lot safer than going on your own, some of the lanes in that area can be dangerous.

I've done Strata, Happy Valley, Pheasant Steps, the Bastard Lane and others in a standard Defender but I wouldn't have wanted to be on my own.

I believe people have died on Strata and one of our party got into real trouble on Happy Valley and had to be towed off after a wheel went over the edge. The others are probably more likely to kill your vehicle than the occupants but still not pleasant :D

I don't want to be accused of selling GLASS on here, but if you join you can ask the local area rep for help with your route as well as having full access to trailwise.

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