Yup - that was me.
Figured you'd both already left the pub as I passed it after 10:45 lol

Next time!

How did it go?
Was speaking to a friend last night about Fala and he told me there is a similar but longer track across the lammermuir hills. It's Longyester to Carfraemill. Anyone used this in recent years? He normally walks it but he's seen plenty 4x4 s on it.
I've seen it but it's not a legal track any more. I believe some people have used it but that's probably more luck they haven't been caught.
I know the farmer he told me it was legal until 2003 or there about.

there's lots of tracks up there tho but I don't think any are legal to drive
I've been on a few of the windfarm access tracks. They can be fun...tho legality is somewhat questionable.
That's a real shame. I don't get what the problem is. We are respectful and stick to the tracks and so not doing any harm. When you say not legal what does this mean? What law is being broken? What actually happens if we were seen up there?
I think we would be bracking the outdoor access coad I don't think the police would bother so only the land owners to worry about and as you say if you're not damaging the ground and not driving over fields why would they care

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