Do you lot know of that 4x4 weekend wot was in Scissett afew years back but it's been stoped now because Landy O.C had a fall out with the farmer?
just wanna say thanks to you lads for letting me come with you today enjoyed it will get some maps for over my way and will sort a day out for us oh and nice to meet you cheers joe :)
I know the farmer and I could ask him if we could use his land but we would all have to chip in some cash I think to go on it but if there is afew up for it I will ask him
ohhh how much it gunna cost? and how can you not see a two tonne disco lol

she didnt see me as she was waving to a friend and on her mobile phone.
not going to cost that much to repair,was my lucky day yesterday got 2 doors in same colour complete with glass & locks for 40 quid :),got a new b post delivered for 55 quid.

spoke to woman and told her its going to cost 450 to repair so shes been with cash and a bottle of am happy should be repaired by friday.
haha nice doris you cant go wrong there u fixing your self or paying someone? and you should deffinately come next time doris and yeh deffinately mate will be awesome and if ya post summat on here i think everyone would want to go.
ye will come next time,but not to mention about the crash as my other half is not very happy.
i used to go to 4x4 do in scisset,used to be a good do, spent a full weekend trying to wreck a 90 down there but could not break it.but did break a sj410 going round off road course in 2 wheel drive.

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