yeh im thinking where we met before at macdonalds on leeds road in huddersfield at 12 is that okai for everyone if theres a problem please let me know and the post code an d adress for that particular macdee's is
501 Leeds Road, Huddersfield HD2 1YJ
Right...just tidying it a little to make it easier for everyone, myself included:

1) Discovery Maniac
2) Newby Lad
3) Lowey
4) Doris.girlracer
5) BenG
6) Kingsonlim
7) Jammy137
8) Joe Disco

Meet at 12pm, 11/12/2010, Macdonalds, 501 Leeds Road, Huddersfield HD2 1YJ

The post code will bring you slightly up the road, but you can't miss it. To be more precise, the MacDonald's is opposite Queens Square on a map.

Just a side question, would meeting up at 12pm be a little late, as the sun goes down rather earlier now.
Greenlaning in the dark is much scarier and way more fun :D

Right...just tidying it a little to make it easier for veryone, myself included:

1) Discovery Maniac
2) Newby Lad
3) Lowey
4) Doris.girlracer
5) BenG
6) Kingsonlim
7) Jammy137
8) Joe Disco

Meet at 12pm, 11/12/2010, Macdonalds, 501 Leeds Road, Huddersfield HD2 1YJ

The post code will bring you slightly up the road, but you can't miss it. To be more precise, the MacDonald's is opposite Queens Square on a map.

Just a side question, would meeting up at 12pm be a little late, as the sun goes down rather earlier now.
erm well your best off asking newby how long it will be as he knows the maps but i agree with ben tis better but if we find out off newby and if its going to drop dark so we dont have time i will change it and yhe everything you said is correct
It won't be dark because I am out on the town that nite two but I will show you all the lanes I know and I have seen some new ones on the map so we could take a look at them? If some one could take a ride with me this Sunday to take a look at them to be safe would be good
It won't be dark because I am out on the town that nite two but I will show you all the lanes I know and I have seen some new ones on the map so we could take a look at them? If some one could take a ride with me this Sunday to take a look at them to be safe would be good

Which ones were you planning? I went Greenlaning round Holmefirth on Saturday, covered snow was brilliant!
ok mate il decide a bit closer to time, is anybody else going in a standard disco and will i make it haha, are we still meeting at 12
how bad is the route you guys are taking? my disco is raised 2" and got a/t tyres other than that standard. would it do the job?

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