
Ill try and keep it Short and sweet

Now I've read loads about 4x4 drivers kicking off about how green lanes are for everybody and not just walkers, cyclist etc etc.
So why is it the biggest secret in the world to there whereabouts???
I've asked a few 4x4 drivers if they'd share a bit of knowledge with a newbie green laner.
To be met with sorry pal no can do.
I'd love to join a club etc but with working 6 days a week usually away from home it becomes difficult to attend and a waste of money.

I hope some1 could point me in the right direction around the peak district and Mansfield area.
Rant over
The reason peeps dont give out info is that they dont know you. You could be numpty ripping up the lanes at 60, for all they know.
This Forum regularly has laning days out. One of the best ways is to search for "Mansfield" and see if any names come up. then send them a PM asking if you could accompany them.

most peeps will be happy for you to come along.
Show yourself to be responsible and you will get invited regularly.
First of all thanks for the info lads.
And I can assure I won't be doing 60 over any green lanes :)
(I don't think she'd hold together lol)

I'm not a massive fan of mud plugging as I've only had dire concequences from doing so.
I just like a steady ramble, take in the scenery. And stretch the old girls legs.
That's why I'm looking for new lanes.
Ive even attended 2 rallies called back to the Tarmac based around the peak district.
But on your advice I'm meeting up with a guy tomorrow night that I've met through Facebook and the rallies I went to around Mansfield (new to me)
So thanks again
Another reason is: Why would i spend hours upon hours researching routes and talking to ROW officers, councils etc just to give them to others who are too lazy to do it themselves :rolleyes: :D
Big ginger beard.
You my friend, are a cock.
How do you ever get on in life???
What about helping your fellow man and all that?? We do have the same interests after all
I bet your the kind of guy who'd drive past a stuck motorist laughing.
Well let's hope you never need advice or experience from anybody else.
Big ginger beard.
You my friend, are a cock.
How do you ever get on in life???
What about helping your fellow man and all that?? We do have the same interests after all
I bet your the kind of guy who'd drive past a stuck motorist laughing.
Well let's hope you never need advice or experience from anybody else.

5 posts in and you're slagging off established members. You've answered your own question. Who would want to help a prize turd like you?!
Big ginger beard.
You my friend, are a cock.
How do you ever get on in life???
What about helping your fellow man and all that?? We do have the same interests after all
I bet your the kind of guy who'd drive past a stuck motorist laughing.
Well let's hope you never need advice or experience from anybody else.

and you have now identified yourself as a cock and have no chance of getting access to our laning database.

BGB is a great guy, really helpful and friendly, slagging him off is not a great start.
Big ginger beard.
You my friend, are a cock.
How do you ever get on in life???
What about helping your fellow man and all that?? We do have the same interests after all
I bet your the kind of guy who'd drive past a stuck motorist laughing.
Well let's hope you never need advice or experience from anybody else.

Oh dear, and that is why people dont want to share with you :doh:

is it true you also fiddle with sheep?
Big ginger beard.
You my friend, are a cock.
How do you ever get on in life???
What about helping your fellow man and all that?? We do have the same interests after all
I bet your the kind of guy who'd drive past a stuck motorist laughing.
Well let's hope you never need advice or experience from anybody else.

What about you?

You got the best advice we can give, BGB told you why (which is also in my link) we don't pass that hard won information about easily.

It appears to be you who is the cock.

I'd be interested to know how you extrapolate his, quite helpful in the circumstances, reply, with him also driving "past a stuck motorist laughing"?

If he asked for advice he'd get it. It may not be the advice he wanted, but he'd get it .. as have you. Just 'cos you don't like what you're being told doesn't mean it's wrong. Look at the links provided and you'll see what we do to find lanes and check their legality. If you did just a small portion of what we do, you'd be amazed at what you'd find.

Your outburst just shows exactly why no-one trusts someone they don't know or haven't met with such information.
Big ginger beard.
You my friend, are a cock.
How do you ever get on in life???

I had you down as a half decent person up until I read this noob-strop horse sh*t.
Unless you come up with some sort of spectacular apology, you're gonna get absolutely f**k-all help from anybody on here whatsoever.

Ginger B is a very genuine and well established good guy on here.
And I can assure you he gets on and leads are a far more interesting life than you do.

Tw@. :mad:
I thought noob shooting season was over for this year. Yet we have a late entry. :D :D

I think we have a thread like this on average every two to three months now, becoming quite common.

Noob wants lanes, we say here's how to do it, noob throws a tantrum as he's too f'kin lazy to go find them, slags off a helpful member and then gets shot down.......

......and so we go round again. :rofl:
Another reason is: Why would i spend hours upon hours researching routes and talking to ROW officers, councils etc just to give them to others who are too lazy to do it themselves :rolleyes: :D

Big ginger beard.
You my friend, are a cock.
How do you ever get on in life???
What about helping your fellow man and all that?? We do have the same interests after all
I bet your the kind of guy who'd drive past a stuck motorist laughing.
Well let's hope you never need advice or experience from anybody else.

Ah, well there we go then. now i know.

I cant be arsed to go into why and when i have helped fellow man etc etc. Ill just say im quite happy with the way my life is. :rolleyes:

One more thing. If you look at my reply, not once did i say "Im not going to help you because your lazy and cant be arsed" I made a statement about people in general, if you felt you fell into that group well, thats not my fault.
Am loving the holier than thou attitude.

I asked for advice (to which some guys really helped out)

That is what this sites for, yes/no????????
Only to have some random fool put his two pence worth in.
So yes in my opinion he is a cock.
As for all the vultures sat on the fence, grow some balls.
You wouldn't sit in the street and slag me off. So why when your behind a computer screen???
Ps found some belters last night.
Tha just need's a map :)

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