People advised me to stay away from this site and join lro now I no why,,,,,,,,,,,,,full of pratts apart from the nice guys
well its great to abuse a women isn't it ??????? We have been landing for years had just when your a full time mum,its hard to get down and check every map,just wanted to no if there was any new ones and we aren't dicks who ruin lanes thank you when we get to no stuff theres only me and my husband that try them???? I just think people are arrigant?

there is nobody arrigant on here. Take the time to look around mabey some PMT Chill:D
Clearly not, as the respectable wimmin I have have met don't use foul language and threaten to slam people's heads in doors:croc:

Note to self... must try harder in front of deasy on next trip... as he thinks im respectable :D
Its actually a women that's writing this

woo hooo...well it's a woman telling you , you've got it badly wrong.

BGB was first bloke that i went laning with..more helpful bloke you wont find.

And stop with the whole "im a woman and youre being nasty to me routine " .its demeaning and insulting to us all :mad:

:dnfnoob::behindsofa: :D
woo hooo...well it's a woman telling you , you've got it badly wrong.

BGB was first bloke that i went laning with..more helpful bloke you wont find.

And stop with the whole "im a woman and youre being nasty to me routine " .its demeaning and insulting to us all :mad:

Shush you and get back in the kitchen :p:bolt:
Regardless whether murgy was a wimmin or a man youve just about fcuked off some of the most respected members on ere and your language and abuse was disgusting i for one hope you never come bk if thats the way u behave
People advised me to stay away from this site and join lro now I no why,,,,,,,,,,,,,full of pratts apart from the nice guys
You had nothing but sound advice from very respected members, until you started the abuse.
Ginger beard is actually one of the most active green laners on this site and some one who taught himself how to find lanes with help from the good people on here, his advice was probably the best you would get from anywhere.
Get yourself over to lro im sure you will be given all the info neede to find lanes but i doubt anyone will readilly give advice to some one they do not know.
If you have already done a bit of laning (as you say you have) you will appriciate the reasons why when people find gems they will only share the information with people who they trust not to trash it
Shut up ffs,,,,,,, im right with people who r right with me,,,,, a simple question that has totally been missed judged,,,and I certainly don't want any different treatment coz im a women I just thought you was direpectfuly towards me.....any way good night Vienna,,,,,or p.s to those dicks who answered with a **** comments,,,,,hope you get stuck in your mud plugging adventures ,,,pmsl lmao:) no longer a member.....lro is much btr site and nice men and women .........
Shut up ffs,,,,,,, im right with people who r right with me,,,,, a simple question that has totally been missed judged,,,and I certainly don't want any different treatment coz im a women I just thought you was direpectfuly towards me.....any way good night Vienna,,,,,or p.s to those dicks who answered with a **** comments,,,,,hope you get stuck in your mud plugging adventures ,,,pmsl lmao:) no longer a member.....lro is much btr site and nice men and women .........

Aye of course it is... dont forget to hand in your keys at the pub meets
I'm in the same boat, just got my fender, want to do some laning shortly, but want to go with someone with some experience, so I don't end up "one of dicks ripping up lanes."

Anyone want to run a "newbie to lanes" session in west yorks??? seems to be a few of us!

turn up at the pub meet...

if ya get on with peeps they will invite you along on a trip or even arrange one for your benefit...

they will look after you and make sure yr ok...

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