In Allah and Mohamhed The prophet, Praise be to Allah.

I believe that we will turn the righteous to the way of Allah and that we will kill the infidels
funnily enough just been watching a program on the beginings of islam ,nothing but a tool for cementing power in an arab empire ,not that i thought it any other but interesting none the less
funnily enough just been watching a program on the beginings of islam ,nothing but a tool for cementing power in an arab empire ,not that i thought it any other but interesting none the less

Saw that as well....a bit disappointed tbh, could've been so much more indepth and informative.

If Ladybird books did tv.........:eek:
Saw that as well....a bit disappointed tbh, could've been so much more indepth and informative.

If Ladybird books did tv.........:eek:
was a little disappointing as not as much info as i would have liked but ladybird wasnt description id use ,did show somewhat the immense effect on lives ideas based on a fews benefit can have on the many for centuries as with all religions :)

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