:search: mate thats the way to go no one gives up there knowledge get your self a os map of were you want to go and start from there
Buy view ranger app, it has them all on for your area, or join a local landrover club, you need to be in a group with some experienced people and never go alone!
Takes a while to plan routes and research lanes and verify them with local authority etc so people prob won't just dish them out! Buy an o/s map!
Another one post wonder whos gonna want everything for nothing!
look in green laning pal in west yorks theres a few a good one is holme firth but not adviseable to do alone
what they mean to say is...... workin out routes for green lanin is not an easy job it takes time, effort and hard work, someone who comes from out of nowhere and expects to be given routes will not be in the good books... however, there is a few trips over the year at various places round the country.. if you want to go on one ask nicely on the thread if they dont mind you taggin along. :D
Too many dicks ripping up lanes.

I wouldn't give any routes to someone out of the blue without having a clue whether they know how to drive lanes and why it's important
I've been tempted to ask the same question about the same area a few times but didnt because of the reasons stated above;

Too many tits abusing the lanes, lots of hard work to actually find the lanes, then making sure they're open for use. Sounds like hours of preparation before you set off so the lanes out there are a well guarded secret & rightly so!

My biggest problem with all of this is that I know I live in an area that must have miles of lanes basically on my doorstep but I dont know where to start actually trying to find them. I've read all of the info on these forums, googled & searched & still I've got niggling doubts where to start. I'm looking for somebody to give me a nudge in the right direction, take me through planning a route & performing the checks & ultimately hold my hand on my 1st outing.

I keep my eye on the green laning section here & hopefully some kind people planning a trip will let me tag along & ask all the stupid newbie questions we all have to ask when we're getting started with something new.
I'm in the same boat, just got my fender, want to do some laning shortly, but want to go with someone with some experience, so I don't end up "one of dicks ripping up lanes."

Anyone want to run a "newbie to lanes" session in west yorks??? seems to be a few of us!
I've been tempted to ask the same question about the same area a few times but didnt because of the reasons stated above;

Too many tits abusing the lanes, lots of hard work to actually find the lanes, then making sure they're open for use. Sounds like hours of preparation before you set off so the lanes out there are a well guarded secret & rightly so!

My biggest problem with all of this is that I know I live in an area that must have miles of lanes basically on my doorstep but I dont know where to start actually trying to find them. I've read all of the info on these forums, googled & searched & still I've got niggling doubts where to start. I'm looking for somebody to give me a nudge in the right direction, take me through planning a route & performing the checks & ultimately hold my hand on my 1st outing.

I keep my eye on the green laning section here & hopefully some kind people planning a trip will let me tag along & ask all the stupid newbie questions we all have to ask when we're getting started with something new.

At last, someone with manners and who dosent just pile in the door and say "give me some lanes!"

We where all new on here once and i had the same questions you have, but by god it gets old when you get the same question being asked. :D

Regards you guys who want to get out and try laning. have you read this?


There is another link from Paul in there aswell. Like you have said, try and join a group of people in your area.

If i where anywhere near you, or indeed had the time this year, i would take you out and show you the basics and where to start.
I've been tempted to ask the same question about the same area a few times but didnt because of the reasons stated above;

Too many tits abusing the lanes, lots of hard work to actually find the lanes, then making sure they're open for use. Sounds like hours of preparation before you set off so the lanes out there are a well guarded secret & rightly so!

My biggest problem with all of this is that I know I live in an area that must have miles of lanes basically on my doorstep but I dont know where to start actually trying to find them. I've read all of the info on these forums, googled & searched & still I've got niggling doubts where to start. I'm looking for somebody to give me a nudge in the right direction, take me through planning a route & performing the checks & ultimately hold my hand on my 1st outing.

I keep my eye on the green laning section here & hopefully some kind people planning a trip will let me tag along & ask all the stupid newbie questions we all have to ask when we're getting started with something new.

I'm with you on this one , us newbies need a little help to get started and i know most experienced peeps would advise us to join the local LRO's club , but i've been told that the Devon & Cornwall Club is one of the worst around , so that leaves me with little hope of finding experienced help:(
I'm with you on this one , us newbies need a little help to get started and i know most experienced peeps would advise us to join the local LRO's club , but i've been told that the Devon & Cornwall Club is one of the worst around , so that leaves me with little hope of finding experienced help:(

You have a load of members in your area that do trips. Ask em nicely to tag along. Trewy don't bite you know....well unless its a full moon:D:D
I'm more than happy to have folk tag along when I go out. Could also show you how to find them if asked nicely.
"north yorkshire laners" pub meet first monday of every month .silver birch BD19 3QE bottom of m606 every one welcome if your crackers you will fit in lol
Right well let's set the record straight,,,thank you to the nice help full people for the info,,,,it was just a quick straight forward question that's all,i was wanting to take my little boys out as my eldest loves it we have been on a few and haven't found any great adventurous ones,,all I wanted is a little help and not to get abused by arrogant people...I didn't relise people spend hours trying to find lanes and trash them that's not what im about just wanted a fun day out with my family.......so next time keep your comments to your self if you don't want to help me....especaily BIG GINGER BEARD Member ,,,,

Thanks again to those who was help full :)

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