Go easy on Stu, I'm not sure he has recovered from last weekend. :D

Have fun all. :)
Doing Lawford ford into lanes around harborough into churchover into cotesbach near swinford then maybe market harborough naseby and weave back to rugby - well that's the plan 😁

Be very carful in lawford ford with the rain we have had! It gets properly evil.
In full flood it can be 12ft deep and very fast flowing

If your not 100% sure don't do it!
I personally think it will be to high looking at the level of all the rivers around here that lead to it
Be very carful in lawford ford with the rain we have had! It gets properly evil.
In full flood it can be 12ft deep and very fast flowing

If your not 100% sure don't do it!
I personally think it will be to high looking at the level of all the rivers around here that lead to it

Will do.
dam thats what i get for not checking my messages yesterday :( looks like i have missed one!! I need to get mine wading ready before I do any big fords.
Just back from a great day laning. Lawford ford definitely to deep so skipped that, but rest of lanes were great. Even did one just inside Norhants border which had a little ford 😀
Great company but next time I'm not being gate bitch 😝
Oh, and Stu's rangie is well posh - it was warm and had a radio and all this posh wood inside!
are ye guys planning anything for next weekend as I have tried 2 weekends running now to organise from work and I have just been let down both times. Let me know if any one is out?

Just back from a great day laning. Lawford ford definitely to deep so skipped that, but rest of lanes were great. Even did one just inside Norhants border which had a little ford 😀
Great company but next time I'm not being gate bitch 😝

Thanks for today
great day out..some great lanes and a slight scratchy one..:)

Just found this site so looking for some other peoples knowledge.

I live in Southam, so have a few greenlanes with 10minutes (ufton-hunningham, wellesbourne, priors marston-hellidon)

I was wondering if anyone could advise me on some others. Not bothered about how clear they are as im just using my trail bike to explore before taking the Landys down when i know they are driveable.

Many thanks,


Just found this site so looking for some other peoples knowledge.

I live in Southam, so have a few greenlanes with 10minutes (ufton-hunningham, wellesbourne, priors marston-hellidon)

I was wondering if anyone could advise me on some others. Not bothered about how clear they are as im just using my trail bike to explore before taking the Landys down when i know they are driveable.

Many thanks,


Hi Ed,

Have you done the ones over by avon dassett? I was over there yesterday but I only had time to do one little section. I need to do some more recci's first! Do you go out much as I usually am by myself?

Cheers JP
hey guys me and 4 other trucks are doing a outing tomoz or thursday evening/ night if u want to tag along with us,

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