I'm not sure to be honest. I only know of one lane round here so would be keen to do some more. More extreme the better as I'm use to pay and play days! But there's non on this weekend and I need my fix!
I'm not sure to be honest. I only know of one lane round here so would be keen to do some more. More extreme the better as I'm use to pay and play days! But there's non on this weekend and I need my fix!


You know were in the midlands right and not wales? ;) :D
Yer but you know what I mean the one after the ford by studley is a cracking lane. You up for it ginge?

Last time I went down there, On the left hand side where people have gone off piste it was all messed up. The rest of the lane was quite easy?
Last time I went down there, On the left hand side where people have gone off piste it was all messed up. The rest of the lane was quite easy?

Im hoping thats not what he means :(

The off piste action there is disgusting. :mad:
Yer last time I went there it was proper messed up there was tyres and all sorts of ****e in there! To be honest I didn't realise the bit on the left was off piste!
Yer last time I went there it was proper messed up there was tyres and all sorts of ****e in there! To be honest I didn't realise the bit on the left was off piste!

It is, It's quite obvious really.

I keep meaning to go down and see what it's like. And see about getting a few cheap bushes and planting them to try and stop people driving off piste there.
I've only been down it twice. To be honest the first time I had no choice but to take the bit on the left as there was aload of rubbish fly tipped in the middle bit so I took the other path. Are you up for going out Sunday? And showing me some other lanes?
I've only been down it twice. To be honest the first time I had no choice but to take the bit on the left as there was aload of rubbish fly tipped in the middle bit so I took the other path. Are you up for going out Sunday? And showing me some other lanes?

I'm currently discoless and my backup disco died in spectacular fashion last weekend.

Maybe in the new year when i've got a new disco? :eek:
Yer last time I went there it was proper messed up there was tyres and all sorts of ****e in there! To be honest I didn't realise the bit on the left was off piste!


Maybe a bit of educating is in order.

Don't take this the wrong way, its a friendly nudge towards the correct way to do things is all. And its aimed at other who read this thread not just you :)

You need to look at the map and the way the road is on the ground and really think if thats the historical route the road takes? its pretty obvious that section behind the trees is not the PROW.

You will see me and others on here trying to advocate "responsible laning" this is what its about. By going off piste it gives us all a bad name. Landowners hate us, walkers loath us and generally we are hated in the countryside. The councils will fold to all the pressure groups that want us out and the lanes will close and then there will be no where to go. :(

People will call me a "killjoy" and say "your just ruining our fun" or "it isn't fun just driving gravel lanes" but laning is not the place to get stuck or to go flinging mud around. Thats what pay and play sites are for, where it dosent matter.

The particular lane your talking about - the farmer has cctv in the woods as he is fed up with people going off-piste. :( he talked to me a year or so ago about the issue as he isn't sure what else to do. there used to be loads of heavy logs in the ruts to try and stop people but these days with winches fitted to most vehicles, people just see it as a challenge! :(

Please try and lane responsibly people, we will all loose out in the end! :(

Many thanks

Ginge "the killjoy"

Maybe a bit of educating is in order.

Don't take this the wrong way, its a friendly nudge towards the correct way to do things is all. And its aimed at other who read this thread not just you :)

You need to look at the map and the way the road is on the ground and really think if thats the historical route the road takes? its pretty obvious that section behind the trees is not the PROW.

You will see me and others on here trying to advocate "responsible laning" this is what its about. By going off piste it gives us all a bad name. Landowners hate us, walkers loath us and generally we are hated in the countryside. The councils will fold to all the pressure groups that want us out and the lanes will close and then there will be no where to go. :(

People will call me a "killjoy" and say "your just ruining our fun" or "it isn't fun just driving gravel lanes" but laning is not the place to get stuck or to go flinging mud around. Thats what pay and play sites are for, where it dosent matter.

The particular lane your talking about - the farmer has cctv in the woods as he is fed up with people going off-piste. :( he talked to me a year or so ago about the issue as he isn't sure what else to do. there used to be loads of heavy logs in the ruts to try and stop people but these days with winches fitted to most vehicles, people just see it as a challenge! :(

Please try and lane responsibly people, we will all loose out in the end! :(

Many thanks

Ginge "the killjoy"

Indeed, I've not been down there for about a year (even though it's about 5 miles from my front door). I might take trip down in the car later and see what's what.
I did the Coughton lane a couple of times in the summer. One sunday, whilst letting the dog play in the ford, and talking with a fellow Landy owner, we witnessed a group wading in the river and going into the small wood off piste. We didn't manage to get registration numbers, but there was a fairly heavily modded Suzuki Vitara with a defender. Everyone that happened to be there, including a family with children playing in the water, stood looking in disbelief.

When we left, I was asked if we did stuff like that by a couple of onlookers, and told them that the majority of us don't condone that kind of behaviour and respect the lanes and countryside. and they were quite surprised when i mentioned that 4x4 clubs/groups get involved with repairing byways/lanes, unlike the wlakers and horse riders.

Its just a shame the the mindless minority ruin for others, as people will remember the occasionsthey witness bad usage/abuse, but not the sensible drivers.
I now keep a notepad and pen in the disco, just in case i can't open the camera on my mobile in time.......we really should report these people when we see it.

Maybe a bit of educating is in order.

Don't take this the wrong way, its a friendly nudge towards the correct way to do things is all. And its aimed at other who read this thread not just you :)

You need to look at the map and the way the road is on the ground and really think if thats the historical route the road takes? its pretty obvious that section behind the trees is not the PROW.

You will see me and others on here trying to advocate "responsible laning" this is what its about. By going off piste it gives us all a bad name. Landowners hate us, walkers loath us and generally we are hated in the countryside. The councils will fold to all the pressure groups that want us out and the lanes will close and then there will be no where to go. :(

People will call me a "killjoy" and say "your just ruining our fun" or "it isn't fun just driving gravel lanes" but laning is not the place to get stuck or to go flinging mud around. Thats what pay and play sites are for, where it dosent matter.

The particular lane your talking about - the farmer has cctv in the woods as he is fed up with people going off-piste. :( he talked to me a year or so ago about the issue as he isn't sure what else to do. there used to be loads of heavy logs in the ruts to try and stop people but these days with winches fitted to most vehicles, people just see it as a challenge! :(

Please try and lane responsibly people, we will all loose out in the end! :(

Many thanks

Ginge "the killjoy"

I didn't realise at the time as I was new to green laning but now I no I won't obviously go down that route! It should be blocked off! There's loads of off piste been done by the ford! We could see all the damage the other week when we cut through the ford way.

Any way who's out Sunday then?

I did the Coughton lane a couple of times in the summer. One sunday, whilst letting the dog play in the ford, and talking with a fellow Landy owner, we witnessed a group wading in the river and going into the small wood off piste. We didn't manage to get registration numbers, but there was a fairly heavily modded Suzuki Vitara with a defender. Everyone that happened to be there, including a family with children playing in the water, stood looking in disbelief.

When we left, I was asked if we did stuff like that by a couple of onlookers, and told them that the majority of us don't condone that kind of behaviour and respect the lanes and countryside. and they were quite surprised when i mentioned that 4x4 clubs/groups get involved with repairing byways/lanes, unlike the wlakers and horse riders.

Its just a shame the the mindless minority ruin for others, as people will remember the occasionsthey witness bad usage/abuse, but not the sensible drivers.
I now keep a notepad and pen in the disco, just in case i can't open the camera on my mobile in time.......we really should report these people when we see it.

Indeed, i have a notepad and pen on me and won't hesitate to report users going off piste.

Today I'm pretty calm about it, but it usually boils my **** just reading about it!

Its amazing what one little bit of bad publicity does for our cause.

I didn't realise at the time as I was new to green laning but now I no I won't obviously go down that route! It should be blocked off! There's loads of off piste been done by the ford! We could see all the damage the other week when we cut through the ford way.

Any way who's out Sunday then?


No i appreciate that. Its hard to tell sometimes on lanes it really is, I've had to get my handheld GPS out in the past to confirm or deny the route.

I don't doubt your intentions Alex i really don't some people just don't realise what they are doing, others; well they know exactly what there doing and don't give a fcuk who they upset, these are the mindless morons i seek to report.

The route actually was blocked off at one point but like i said, sometimes that just makes a challenge for the twunts in question.

I would love to come out, i haven't done the lanes round East brum since jan i don't think but alas i have a house that needs everything other than a re build so I'm under orders to get that done first.

If I'm out anytime soon i will let people know.

Have a good one.
I'm up for going out Sunday but I know lanes everywhere but your area. If someone will show us them then let's go. If not I could lead a trip a bit further afield. Anyone up for either?

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