Anyone fancy ufton next Wednesday evening ? Coming back in the dark ?

hi guys if its ok could i possibly tag along on wednesday eveneing at ufton in my freebie, i have done it a few times before, and would be good to meet a few new faces
So wednesday is looking like a group night out. Suggest we meet in Coventry 7pm at the entrance to Stonleigh park.
We could go over to button dasset, I haven't done that but I'm sure someone in the group will know it, that also means we can go back through Ufton in the dark.
sounds like a good place to meet on wednesday, yeah sounds like a good trip to me buddy, which ones are there over near burton dasset?
oh right ok sounds good to me, how many of us are going? hopeing to try and work out how to fit and wire my 4 spot lights up ready for wednesday if i can get my head around it,

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