manual box it was more of a genral question about the metal to bee honest as i couldn't find any for welding the chassis last year, nut i might need some small scraps when i get the engine out!

are you all bobtailed now?
yep got engine, came with turbo, alternator, radiator and surround, full exhaust system all water pipes throttle cable the works even a new cambelt and clutch!! just need to sort out a gearbox then the conversion will take place

i give it til the end of feb to have her fully working again, then sort out any teething problems. is yours road legal?
Nothing terribly interesting going on here. GOrdered a galvanised chassis for the other S2 (not the red one). Bolted a few bits back together on the RRC V8. Deciding where to go or 2014 in Red (thinking head to China). Anyone planning any local laning sessions? I have not been out in ages!
not until ive changed the engine, then im going to take it for a proper run, possible places are essex, wales, cornwall or salisbury! ive wanted to do cornwall since i was a lad
Mine is road legal, i have MOT & insurance but no tax.
my parents live in Cornwall, where was you going to go?
not sure where yet as im struggling to find a gearbox, but im thinking later in the year to go through a old wheir but be based in st austel as thats where some of my family live
This is my first post after joining today. Bought a Disco 3 last week, live in Huntingdon and found this Sawtry Green Lane thread and was wondering if the lanes are still open and doable in my standard Disco?
Hi Cozza,

yes I did lots of lanes in my RR before I did any mods.
have you ever done laning before?

lots are closed in Winter its worth a drive around to see which ones. pay and play sites are good to get some practice in or if your on your own. try to avoid laning on your own as you may need a tow out.
Ey up chaps,just wondering if anyones up for some laning soon?have seen there's a few byways opened up in the area and fancy trying a few out if anyones up for it.......
will be when i find a gearbox, they are like hens teeth! watching 2 on evilbay at the mo, lets hope they dont end early as well
no, someone on facebook, its from an 1999 ex military 90, so i know its been well serviced, thrashed to within an inch of its life but serviced!
Again guys, sorry I couldn't reply last night, was at AC/DC gig :p woooo

Anyways, I'm liking this little gathering that seems to be forming!! I'll be out next Sunday for sure perusing the lanes, loads of little jobs I want to get done on the landy before then but nothing that will stop me going!

I'm going to have a look at that lane along the river at some point, I need to buy another os as the one I got yesterday stops 5mm short of my house and anything north of it, including that lane!!

There is a small land rover guy in Sawtry actually muckmuck, thats where I actually got my landy, he has quite alot of bits and pieces for sale including aftermarket stuff, lots of second hand stuff too but he's alright.

We should form a Peterborough Land Rover Club, I know there is a 4x4 club but can't tell from their site if they are active or not.


facebook group... Peterborough LandRover Club
well gearbox is in, so is the transfer box props etc. today the engine went in, all i have to do is... tighten engine to gearbox, bolt up engine mounts fit radiator, change one power steering pipe, fit all pipework, change a bit of wiring, fit clutch pipe, put bonnet on and tax it!!!! then its back to lanes and quarrys

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