Yes do go laning. Lanes are closed round here for the winter. Do the lanes near you have temporary closures.
Hope it's all going good guys - not been laning for a while yet but been up to other bits and bobs. Anyone been out locally recently? My AT tyres are a bit erm, used up at the moment so might have to resrot to the MT set which I have never used!
Just brought myself a new toy. Might be up for a couple of greenlanes sometime if anyone is going to one locally and doesnt mind me tagging along.
Bugger hit the wrong button! I'm in morocco at the mo, then a bit of an engine change (or two) then all back to laning in England
Good car then!! It's good here, the sun is hot and the roads are bumpy or sandy depending where you are
after all that reading lol did you set a culb up as looking for a group around peterborough way cheers all the best
no club just a group of like minded idiots, it will be a little while to take mine laning as i need to change the engine and gearbox, the v8 sounds great but it runs badly and the gearbox is only working through luck (all the way from spain though)

when its running again i will be out to play
As no one has posted for a while I thought I would check in and see how everyone is?
Anyone been out lately, got any new toys for xmas?
picking up a 300tdi engine tomorrow to get ready for the v8 conversion, can you get hold of sheet metal?

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