Yep, They be the ones, about 5 mins drive from my front door, hence why i had a quick look, The one From Spaldwick to Easton closed Early last year and still has the bollard blocking the gateway, No TRO notice at the entrance though, Have emailed the ROW officer to see what its status is. And the one from Easton to Grafham Has a temporary TRO on it from the 01/05 to the 01/08 for repairs, not too sure what they mean by repairs, i have a feeling that they are going to let it recover naturally, So that ones not going to be open this year by the looks of things. Going to go and have a look at the ones north of the A14 tomorrow around Alconbury and Old Weston to see what they're like.
how bout start at sawtry go to spaldwick across to oundle an then the lanes near nassington?.
I'll miss having the lanes near me in Sawtry now i live in Sandy.
Have fun tomorrow guys, i'll join you next time..
sawtry start sounds good, if anybody doesnt like it i will show them where the lane ends
hi guys hope this wont cause to many probs but ill have ta meet you at 10:30 i gotta pick some stuff up for the girlfriend.
Ive uploaded the pics from todays outing. Not sure how you search for them. If you can't find them then shourt and I'll publish the url.
thanks munka for saving the day with your map reading! some good fots there dickthedriver, i really shoud remember to bring my camera out!

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