there is nothing wrong with it Rusty, I put it up for sale this week on ebay and it did not sell.
The Series is staying put, thats not making room for anything hehe.

Our family Range Rovers...we class all of the cars in our little fleet as "our cars" if that makes sense - down to the time and effort we all put into them together! Both 3.5V8 EFI Auto...Mum has the basic one, stepdad has the mildly modded one - just the basic stuff like suspension lift, dislocation cones etc (with some better stuff now waiting to go on), snorkel, decent waterproofing, Insa Saharas (and a set of Mountains for the not-so-muddy-stuff), guards. Also doing a full engine rebuild on a spare engine with flowed heads, cams, tubular manifold (and I think an Ashley Exhaust on that one atm) to give it a little more oomph.

Range Rover #1:

Range Rover #2:

And a pic prooving quite clearly I pushed the Range Rover all the way round Manby using my Series :p

funds are low at the moment, ive got cots, prams, buggys, car chairs and lots of other baby stuff to buy, but i will have a series, oh yes, i will have a series
Tell me about it! I have an 8 year old and another due in August, so buying stuff up over time so it's not so much of a big hit.
on a different note does anyone want to go laning with me on sunday? the winter lanes are open again
LR110, I'm up for Sunday if you are still going.
Did they catch the Bas***ds that got to your bike? or was the usual story that by the time the plod arrived they had gone. I dread them ever getting to my 2 wheeled baby. Esp as I'm off to do a small European tour later this month.
sunday is still happening,
no they didnt catch them, at least i still have my bike all be it with a few extra marks!
nice RRC's Rusty!
Have fun Sunday guys, wish I could come, still unpacking and stuff. the move went ok just dealing with the aftermarth now.
no we havent chosen a name yet either, well as usual mcdonnalds/toys-r-us car park in peterborough good for everybody?

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