Still need the date we are going guys as I now have 2 weekends booked for this trip :) and knowing me I will turn on the wrong date lol :)
Just back from a days laning around rugby into Leicestershire then a bit in Norhants before getting back into Warwickshire. One ford , 2 scratchies, a couple of rutted and a few tame ones. 63 miles including between lanes. Had dinner at a pub called The Staff of Life in Mowsely, wild rabbit and prune faggots - not cheap but well worth the money. Fantastic day out
Funkykipper -
What happened to the Pay and Play site at Meriden?, It wasn't the biggest of sites but it was nice and local, I think you organised a couple of days there,
Funkykipper -
What happened to the Pay and Play site at Meriden?, It wasn't the biggest of sites but it was nice and local, I think you organised a couple of days there,

It was a good site but it was very wet.

So it turned into a huge mud bath in no time. This obviously upset the guy who owns the place.

Which in turn didn't make the place cost effective to run.

The place in Wales, although it's a distance to travel is on the side if a mountain which is made of rock and has about two feet of peat on top.

Some great mud runs and epic rock climbs.

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