
Staffs Search and Rescue team, of which I am a member is offering an
escorted green laning day in Debyshire one weekend in late November,
early December - date still to be decided. The intention is to have
Saturday as non-damaging and Sunday more challenging, but it depends on
level of interest.

If anyone is interested please let me have details of which type of
drive you want, dates NOT available and vehicle type and I will pass
them on to the organiser. As a registered charity we will of course be
seeking a "small" donation to our funds.
Reply to address is valid at the time of posting
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 14:02:26 +0100, hugh <hugh@[]> wrote:

>escorted green laning day in Debyshire one weekend in late November,
>early December - date still to be decided. The intention is to have
>Saturday as non-damaging and Sunday more challenging, but it depends on
>level of interest.

I find this statement somewhat concerning. Can you confirm that all
use on RUPPs, BOATs and other RoWs will be in small groups and non
damaging to the terrain (not arsed if people want to break their own
vehicles, so long as they do it on private land, with permission).

Mother wrote:

> On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 14:02:26 +0100, hugh <hugh@[]> wrote:
>>escorted green laning day in Debyshire one weekend in late November,
>>early December - date still to be decided. The intention is to have
>>Saturday as non-damaging and Sunday more challenging, but it depends on
>>level of interest.

> I find this statement somewhat concerning. Can you confirm that all
> use on RUPPs, BOATs and other RoWs will be in small groups and non
> damaging to the terrain (not arsed if people want to break their own
> vehicles, so long as they do it on private land, with permission).


I went on the last one of these, and they did indeed follow RoWs only. The
majority of the day was actually spent on the road jumping between RoWs
just to keep things legit.

The total turnout was around 5 vehicles, and the worst damage I saw done to
any terrain was a Lightweight which was running a bit rich and belching
black smoke occasionally. Guess who I was behind :mad:)

The convoy even ended up with a group of Ramblers loving us, as one of them
had broken their foot doing something and having a Staffs MR paramedic on
hand to provide first aid and ambulance service went down quite well.

If Mind over Matter is a Matter of Course
Does it Matter if Nobody Minds?
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 14:02:26 +0100, hugh <hugh@[]> wrote:

>Staffs Search and Rescue team, of which I am a member is offering an
>escorted green laning day in Debyshire one weekend in late November,
>early December - date still to be decided. The intention is to have
>Saturday as non-damaging and Sunday more challenging, but it depends on
>level of interest.
>If anyone is interested please let me have details of which type of
>drive you want, dates NOT available and vehicle type and I will pass
>them on to the organiser. As a registered charity we will of course be
>seeking a "small" donation to our funds.

I'm interested in the non-damaging variety. At the moment I think I'm
OK for all weekends.



(Watch this space)
In message <hpf7o0hhkvr6k9vkacf7pput6090ldmiqt@4ax.com>, Mother <"@ {m}
@"@101fc.net> writes
>On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 14:02:26 +0100, hugh <hugh@[]> wrote:
>>escorted green laning day in Debyshire one weekend in late November,
>>early December - date still to be decided. The intention is to have
>>Saturday as non-damaging and Sunday more challenging, but it depends on
>>level of interest.

>I find this statement somewhat concerning. Can you confirm that all
>use on RUPPs, BOATs and other RoWs will be in small groups and non
>damaging to the terrain


Yes. For "non-damaging" the routes are chosen so that there is minimum
risk of inexperienced drivers with perhaps road tyres inadvertently
damaging their vehicles. There are many other routes which require
greater driver skill e.g. steep descents or climbs, side slopes, tight
turns through gates etc. where the inexperienced might easily come to
grief and damage themselves and/or their vehicles or the terrain.

The numbers are restricted in accordance with normal guidelines. I hope
that puts your mind at rest.

Incidentally I thought I was in your kill file so how come your are
responding? Please put me back in there there's a good chap.
Reply to address is valid at the time of posting
hugh vaguely muttered something like ...
> Staffs Search and Rescue team, of which I am a member is offering an
> escorted green laning day in Debyshire one weekend in late November,
> early December - date still to be decided. The intention is to have
> Saturday as non-damaging and Sunday more challenging, but it depends on
> level of interest.
> If anyone is interested please let me have details of which type of
> drive you want, dates NOT available and vehicle type and I will pass
> them on to the organiser. As a registered charity we will of course be
> seeking a "small" donation to our funds.

I'd be interested in either day, though we'd probably only do one day, all
weekends (so far) free .. ;)

Paul ...
(8(|) Homer Rules !!!
"A tosser is a tosser, no matter what mode of transport they're using."

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 18:38:45 +0100, hugh <hugh@[]> wrote:

>Incidentally I thought I was in your kill file so how come your are
>responding? Please put me back in there there's a good chap.

I'd be more than delighted to oblige, however such comments
demonstrate you're still a ****wit, and being as you're organising
such events, it's probably better to keep an eye on you.

If it weren't for Pauls reassuring comments, I'd still be somewhat
concerned as he, unlike you, is not a ****wit.

On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 18:10:23 +0100, "Paul S. Brown"
<usenet@geekstuff.tv> wrote:

>I went on the last one of these, and they did indeed follow RoWs only. The
>majority of the day was actually spent on the road jumping between RoWs
>just to keep things legit.

Thanks for the reassurance. I think the op was pretty badly worded
and open to negative interpretation - being as this is sort of my
'back garden' I get a bit twitchy - plus I had a very nasty run in
with a couple of J**p drivers recently who appeared not to be bothered
that they were leaving a river of mud behind them on one of my local

In message <n2r7o0h6shbsc1gum7dq695p2dteuankam@4ax.com>, Mother <"@ {m}
@"@101fc.net> writes

>If it weren't for Pauls reassuring comments, I'd still be somewhat
>concerned as he, unlike you, is not a ****wit.

I think you can put me down for both days but I would have loved to see
'Grumble' with a 'spec' of mud on her? :)

Graham Jones
110 300tdi 'sv'
On Saturday, in article
"@{m}@"@101fc.net "Mother" wrote:

> On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 14:02:26 +0100, hugh <hugh@[]> wrote:
> >escorted green laning day in Debyshire one weekend in late November,
> >early December - date still to be decided. The intention is to have
> >Saturday as non-damaging and Sunday more challenging, but it depends on
> >level of interest.

> I find this statement somewhat concerning. Can you confirm that all
> use on RUPPs, BOATs and other RoWs will be in small groups and non
> damaging to the terrain (not arsed if people want to break their own
> vehicles, so long as they do it on private land, with permission).

I can imagine some greenlanes being in a condition where there's some
risk of damage to vehicles, even if only paint scratching from branches,
and in this litigious age an organiser might be wise to exclude that
from "non-damaging". Of course, that raises the issue of what the
proper maintenance of a right-of-way should be.

"More challenging" might also cover routes which need more skill to
drive safely, without involving any particular damage to vehicle or
environment. Steep hills, for instance.

David G. Bell -- SF Fan, Filker, and Punslinger.

"History shows that the Singularity started when Sir Tim Berners-Lee
was bitten by a radioactive spider."
In message <n2r7o0h6shbsc1gum7dq695p2dteuankam@4ax.com>, Mother <"@ {m}
@"@101fc.net> writes
>On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 18:38:45 +0100, hugh <hugh@[]> wrote:
>>Incidentally I thought I was in your kill file so how come your are
>>responding? Please put me back in there there's a good chap.

>I'd be more than delighted to oblige, however such comments
>demonstrate you're still a ****wit, and being as you're organising
>such events, it's probably better to keep an eye on you.
>If it weren't for Pauls reassuring comments, I'd still be somewhat
>concerned as he, unlike you, is not a ****wit.

Well, unlike you at least I do something useful with my time - as the
people in Hanley appreciated when we were out last winter getting the
traffic moving when the town centre was just a sheet of black ice, or
the people at Norton bridge we helped evacuate from their flooded homes
late one night in August. Would you like to see the letters of
commendation from Staffs police and Staffs Fire and Rescue Service?
If you want to keep on eye on me give me your phone number and you can
come out and watch next time we're called out. We're usually out till
after midnight and it's either freezing cold or p***** down with rain.
Or come and helps us take out some problem kids from a deprived area for
a day on Cannock Chase. No, you'd rather just sit at home and be

Tell you what, if your so concerned about our behaviour give us a
donation of £100 and we'll cancel the green laning.

For those who are interested in supporting us we have recently been
given a 69 series 2 109SW in mint condition, but we now need to equip it
properly as a control vehicle. That's one reason why we are running
these days along with other fund raising activities.
Reply to address is valid at the time of posting
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 19:00:02 +0000, hugh <hugh@[]> wrote:

>Well, unlike you at least I do something useful with my time

Yeah, like you know **** all about how I spend my time, you
emptyheaded ****witted ****er. Just because I'm not kfing you,
doesn't mean I want to read your demented 'look at me I do more good
than other people' self-sanctimonious whitterings. ****.

On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 19:45:27 +0000, Mother <"@ {m} @"@101fc.net> wrote:

->On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 19:00:02 +0000, hugh <hugh@[]> wrote:
->>Well, unlike you at least I do something useful with my time
->Yeah, like you know **** all about how I spend my time, you
->emptyheaded ****witted ****er. Just because I'm not kfing you,
->doesn't mean I want to read your demented 'look at me I do more good
->than other people' self-sanctimonious whitterings. ****.

You really are rather odious aren't you, any form of reasoned debate is clearly
beyond you.

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 09:15:54 +0000, Geoff <geoff@DELETEanoraks.uk.net>

>You really are rather odious aren't you, any form of reasoned debate is clearly
>beyond you.

If your understanding of odious means intolerant of clueless ****wits
then yes, I wear the badge with pride.

Bit sad that we still, in this age of communications, have
so many folk who wear blinkers and are convinced that the
whole world is the same as their own extremely limited view
of it. Peter G Strangman (obit) 1999-07-08
On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 09:58:38 +0000, Mother <"@ {m} @"@101fc.net> wrote:

->On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 09:15:54 +0000, Geoff <geoff@DELETEanoraks.uk.net>
->>You really are rather odious aren't you, any form of reasoned debate is
->>beyond you.
->If your understanding of odious means intolerant of clueless ****wits
->then yes, I wear the badge with pride.

Odious in that you seem to resort to insult rather then any form of debate.

I've re posted you sig as it seems to sum up your posting style quite well.

Bit sad that we still, in this age of communications, have
so many folk who wear blinkers and are convinced that the
whole world is the same as their own extremely limited view

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 10:47:15 +0000, Geoff <geoff@DELETEanoraks.uk.net>

>Odious in that you seem to resort to insult rather then any form of debate.

Reasoning with ****wits, as you so competently demonstrate, is like
****ing into the wind.

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 11:28:51 +0000, Mother <"@ {m} @"@101fc.net> wrote:

->On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 10:47:15 +0000, Geoff <geoff@DELETEanoraks.uk.net>
->>Odious in that you seem to resort to insult rather then any form of debate.
->Reasoning with ****wits, as you so competently demonstrate, is like
->****ing into the wind.

Thankyou for proving my point.

On Monday, in article
"@{m}@"@101fc.net "Mother" wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 10:47:15 +0000, Geoff <geoff@DELETEanoraks.uk.net>
> wrote:
> >Odious in that you seem to resort to insult rather then any form of debate.

> Reasoning with ****wits, as you so competently demonstrate, is like
> ****ing into the wind.

I don't recall anything previously, here or in alt.fan.landrover, which
would justify your foul-mouthed abuse. Obviously, there are issues I am
not aware of. But the manner of your response only diminishes your own

David G. Bell -- SF Fan, Filker, and Punslinger.

"History shows that the Singularity started when Sir Tim Berners-Lee
was bitten by a radioactive spider."
On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 12:12:11 +0000 (GMT), dbell@zhochaka.demon.co.uk
("David G. Bell") wrote:

>I don't recall anything previously, here or in alt.fan.landrover, which
>would justify your foul-mouthed abuse. Obviously, there are issues I am
>not aware of. But the manner of your response only diminishes your own

My 'reputation' being as broad as it's long I guess.

I have no interest in hiding my dislike of anyone making incorrect
assumptions about who I am, what I do or how I may choose to spend my
time. FWIW, I'm equally well know for this in a.f.l where I believe I
originally plonked the op.


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