
New Member
I am looking for like minded people to go green laning with in Wiltshire.
I have access to land in the Devizes area for meeting up or the odd campout.
I also have access to woodland in the Marlborough area for bushcraft training if anyone wants a few hours learning new skills. Kids welcome as the wood is already set up for teaching kids.
No I am nothing to do with Forest Schools. I did most of my training over in Sweden, I also did PTTLS at college.
The site is insursed and I carry my own public liablity insurance, but I am not touting for business anyway, just an add on to the green laning.
I would definitely but up for that.

I've done lots of wild camping, always fancied try proper bushcraft.
There is talk of a few of use doing a weekender with a bit of hunting Wabbits only eating what you catch.

Im pretty certain I could hunt down a chippie and equally certain if the chap threw them at me I could catch them. im sorted :D
Hi, I am up for this if it happens, I know a few others that would be intrested too.

As a group scout leader I am always looking to learn some new skills, I also greenlane and shoot.

I'm on.y in swindon so being close is a bonus. My mates and I are going to sailsbury plain on the 29th december if you fancy joining us.
I would be up for that. Done a fair bit of wild camping and been to the bush moot a couple of times. Laning and a camp over somewhere would be cool.
I'd be up for some of that. I do a bit of greenwood furniture making and other forest crafty type things.

Nice chair. Would be good to do a day of laning, camp overnight then a day doing bushcraft stuff maybe? (Or fixing our land rovers so we can get home lol)
Missing the days I had a set up with pole lathes and an earth forge in the woods.

Here's one of mine

get them involved with the local scout group, then YOU get involved to, it's amazing how many country/land owner types hear the word scouts and get friendly and helpful.
over the years Ive got free access to both the Hafren and Dyfnant forests, various farm tracks and woods. also got info on a number of ROW.
yes, some groups are a bit cliqueqy, but you will have a lot of fun

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