
New Member
I'm new to land rovers and although i have been off road once but it wasn't my car and on a special course in Reading.
Does anyone know of any gentle green lanes around the Portsmouth area i could go and explore? i have looked on the OS maps and i cant find anything that they show on their site.
my discovery just doesn't look good clean and shiny!:D

Had a quick mooch on Memory Map. Have a look up the A3 North of Clanfield, West of Petersfield a few North of Petersfield too before you get to the A31, then check em out on the county definitive map to see if they're still open and not TRO'd/PRO'd looks like you could have a days worth of lanes round there easy if they're open.

Welcome to LZ btw :) Check out the Green Lanes section too, you must have missed it or you'd have posted this in there ;)
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Brilliant thanks! i will do! i have had a look on the OS maps and il have to see what i can find. i am tempted to go up to the salisbury plains and have a mooch about but the information on where i can go seems very vague!hey how hard can it be:D
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I'm going out round that way, no real aim, just going for a play in the new landy (explored most of the area in my old disco) if you fancy tagging along on the 11th - will probably make a day of it
Im in Portsmouth, a few of us occasionally meet up on Portsdown hill, can always let you know if any trips out are planned!
There's quite a few of us further up near alton way, if you ever fancied a trip out up near us is half hour drive odd for all of us really and meet up normaly around hindhead or alton area do the Punchbowl lanes etc, there's alot of good lanes North of Pompey all round butser hill/ ditcham and Petersfield way, I'm only 20 mins for petersifeld so send us a messege if interested and can sort a trip, or search the greenlaning near guildford thread aswell normaly a few of us on there always up for a trip :)
Brilliant cheers everyone I'm fairly new to all this and I'm paranoid il kill the disco so taking it slow. It's getting a service etc fine next week where I work so I can get it over the pit n check it thoroughly I think il feel happier then but I'm definitely up for a day out so il send you a message. Thanks again.
Chipping in, just gone back to a 110 after a couple of years with a gaylander2, had a 90 before that, and active with the BAFMA/BAMA for those in the know.

My brother-in-law works for Hampshire County Council and has access to the up to date rights of way map with current open lanes and recent closures.

Would be keen to come out and get the new truck muddy!

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