
Active Member
Found and joined this site recently having acquired a Freelander for my wife and have found it to be most informative.
What I am struggling with though is the foul and unnecessary language 'F' & 'C' etc, words to be found in lots of posts.
The 'anything goes' forum is fine and the warnings are clear. The problem is that 'quotes' from there find there way into all the other posts.

I must say that I'm no prude and I enjoy banter and p!ss-taking with the best of them but I'm really not impressed with the pointless use of swearing.

Just an opinion, of course.
Those of us who have been around for more than 5 minutes, and have actually contributed something useful, like it how it is.

Other forums are available for the prudish / anally retentive / wife swappers.
It only happens in 'anything goes' otherwise it gets edited out.

It's a post-morden cross PC statement of social 'rebound levelling'. You will find that most of the posters who do this are repressed rocket scientists and brain surgeons looking for a pressure valve to release their otherwise tedious lives from environments that insist upon overly restricted behaviour expectations.

Besides, I dont mind if someone calls me a **** if they are also helping to get my Landy fixed.

Kind regards to yer missus as well
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Those of us who have been around for more than 5 minutes, and have actually contributed something useful, like it how it is.

Well thats to the point, though rather presumptuous.
I can't, unfortunately, do anything about the fact that I am 'new' to this forum.

It only happens in 'anything goes' otherwise it gets edited out.

That isn't the case, unless I'm doing something wrong, as many posts have a string of 'quotes' attached that originate from the 'Anything Goes' forum.
bugzy try vzi theyre a bunch of sanctamonius clicky halfwits. You've probably get on with them a lot better than you will on here.
Well thats to the point, though rather presumptuous.
I can't, unfortunately, do anything about the fact that I am 'new' to this forum.

That isn't the case, unless I'm doing something wrong, as many posts have a string of 'quotes' attached that originate from the 'Anything Goes' forum.

Just turn off signatures in your userCP
That isn't the case, unless I'm doing something wrong, as many posts have a string of 'quotes' attached that originate from the 'Anything Goes' forum.

Just turn off signatures in your user settings :)

Has you not also notissed dat many peeps on 'ere tends to type on freds wiff a compleate inability to speel proper too?

'nuff to drive 'e bonkers, so it is.
It is a sad case I'm afraid, Land Rovers go hand in hand with bad, foul, detestable and damn right disturbing language, unless you take it to a garage of corse :monitor_punch:
It is a sad case I'm afraid, Land Rovers go hand in hand with bad, foul, detestable and damn right disturbing language, unless you take it to a garage of corse :monitor_punch:

And when you get the bill you start swearing. :hysterically_laughi

And you wonder why, Ratty hates you, persecutes you, edits your posts, picks on you and generally hunts you down like the dog that you are at every opportunity .

Oh... did I just say that out loud? :doh:

Soz, mate... it's not like you have a persecution complex of nuffin'

bugzy try vzi theyre a bunch of sanctamonius clicky halfwits. You've probably get on with them a lot better than you will on here.

Not knowing me or my history of course but you couldn't be more wrong.

I'm more than happy to run with the big dogs. :)
And you wonder why, Ratty hates you, persecutes you, edits your posts, picks on you and generally hunts you down like the dog that you are at every opportunity .

Oh... did I just say that out loud? :doh:

Soz, mate... it's not like you have a persecution complex of nuffin'

its not just ratty thats hates me its his soulless minions of orthodoxy :eek::eek::eek:

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