
New Member
Will on LandyWatch has found this little security mod, quite a few of us on LandyWatch are using it now. Great bit is that it has an added wireless siren which works up to 50 metres away ie inside house. I can tell you it's worked faultlessly for me and at 100-150 metres and inside my first floor flat. Usually when a PIR trips you don't hear it, now you can as the wireless siren is deafening.

Battery Powered BT PIR Alarm & Remote Control System & Additional Wireless
Battery Powered BT Wireless PIR Alarm & Internal Wireless Siren System, both the PIR & Wireless Siren have 130 Decibel Siren's, the system is armed & disarmed using the supplied remote control (from up to 50 metres away).

Ideal Alarm for Sheds, Garages, Boats, Caravans, Log Cabins & Holiday Homes (the list is endless).

The traditional battery powered shed alarms are designed to work as a stand alone Alarm, with a single built in Siren (occasionally available with a secondary wired siren), but these are vulnerable to an intruder attacking and damaging them before raising to much attention.

These BT Wireless Alarms & Internal Battery Powered Wireless Siren allow the Siren to be located in locations that the intruder cannot reach, this may include:

1) Hidden away in the same building as the detector, totally out of reach.
2) In a totally different building, up to 50 metres away (could even be inside your home, ensuring you wake up).

The PIR is weather rated to IP65, therefore ideal for damp buildings during the winter months,
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WTF for the whole world to read.............. WHY WHY there are thief's that are on sites and follow what people are doing to defeat them. Know you have told them how, now they know. There are thiefs out there and I'll bet there are a few on here sitting in the shadows gathering info so they can nick defenders.

I suggest you remove this as it is to detailed. Maybe have people PM you or something. or Mods move this to the secure unit
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WTF for the whole world to read.............. WHY WHY there are thief's that are on sites and follow what people are doing to defeat them. Know you have told them how, now they know. There are thiefs out there and I'll bet there are a few on here sitting in the shadows gathering info so they can nick defenders.

I suggest you remove this as it is to detailed. Maybe have people PM you or something. or Mods move this to the secure unit

The whole point of posting is to try and get other people to increase their security, is that wrong? This mod is the same as other PIR that have been talked about but with the added benefit that we the owners can hear it. If we all keep quite then the thefts will carry on, or am I completely wrong?

Thor, tell me if you still want me remove the post I will bow to your wishes as you are a seriously heavy poster on this forum?
The whole point of posting is to try and get other people to increase their security, is that wrong? This mod is the same as other PIR that have been talked about but with the added benefit that we the owners can hear it. If we all keep quite then the thefts will carry on, or am I completely wrong?

Thor, tell me if you still want me remove the post I will bow to your wishes as you are a seriously heavy poster on this forum?

It is just my opinion,,,,,,, that is all. Everyone has one. If you feel that it is correct then leave it, Do not want to stifle you, your intentions are honorable
I've trimmed the post to address worries by some of the members. Hope OK now.

I do think it's important to get more Land Rover owners clued up to what they can do. This seems like a great take on a standard PIR. On my Defender it can't be seen but sure makes it possible to know when someone's trying to break in.

The question really is what would I do when it does trigger in the middle of the night?
I've trimmed the post to address worries by some of the members. Hope OK now.

I do think it's important to get more Land Rover owners clued up to what they can do. This seems like a great take on a standard PIR. On my Defender it can't be seen but sure makes it possible to know when someone's trying to break in.

The question really is what would I do when it does trigger in the middle of the night?

The obvious answer is you leap out the front door at full pelt, stark naked, yelling like a banshee and waving a slipper (a sandal may work as well).....I don't know anyone whose first instinct wouldn't be to run like hell :eek::eek:

This may not be so effective if you are a woman.....
Don't panic, they already know. When thieving things is your day job, you do your best to know what your up against, and believe you me they know ALL the tricks in the book.

Not sharing information like this is a much bigger risk than sharing it. It's only by sharing and discussing these measure do we find out what works and what doesn't.

WTF for the whole world to read.............. WHY WHY there are thief's that are on sites and follow what people are doing to defeat them. Know you have told them how, now they know.
I thought it was a good suggestion and one that I will certainly fit one or two myself. But I do agree that scum bags would have also read this post. Best plan is to fit the units where they are hidden and hard to attack. It buys you time to get to the vehicle and sort out the gits. However, the more security surprises that you can fit the better chance you have that they will be frightened off.... of course they may return after you re-set the alarm so you might want to sit and watch it for a while.
How would a tea-leaf know that it was a communicating alarm?

Most shed type alarms I've had on my allotments and on the bottom shed at my ex's have been a bag of wonk.

Better to alert you to a break in and give you chance to deal with it than for it just to sit there buzzing away while the scrote takes whatever he fancies...
How would a tea-leaf know that it was a communicating alarm?

Most shed type alarms I've had on my allotments and on the bottom shed at my ex's have been a bag of wonk.

Better to alert you to a break in and give you chance to deal with it than for it just to sit there buzzing away while the scrote takes whatever he fancies...

What's a bottom shed..... sounds interesting.
Talking of security mods. The P38 door security is "poor" to be polite.
I have been locked out twice, when the central locking activated itself. I was outside the vehicle and the keys were in the ignition. On both occasions I got into the vehicle within 3 minutes :eek:- and that was without any previous experience of breaking into cars! It was so easy, I was really suprised, as were the onlookers. No specialist tools needed, just a wire coathanger.

I'm thinking of modifying the locking system to address the weakness. Has anyone disconnected the internal door lock buttons and replaced them with a momentary sprung switch (sprung to centre off) or an aftermarket one like

This would also solve the annoying lock in syndrome when an elbow hits the current button - normally only discovered after trying the handle. If the remote button were placed near the lever then it would be better.
If I do this, I'll get a spare key blade cut and mount it securely somewhere that I can access if I get locked out.

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