Yer CHIPFORK :eek::bounce:

I don't use chip forks FFS. I'll have ya know that my opposable thumbs have been purposely developed over millions of years to enable me to eat chippies as efficiently as possible.

your post on the last outing you ungrateful ****

We're bailing on this one, I think there is far too many vehicles involved in this, and I feel this is taking the **** a bit, and also giving the Greenies far too much ammunition for getting the lanes closed.
Sorry to be a spoilsport

the weekend you were going to wales I believe.

Point made, now leave it, please :)
I don't use chip forks FFS. I'll have ya know that my opposable thumbs have been purposely developed over millions of years.

You forgot to say that years of inbreeding have rendered you with more pairs of arms/hands than you actually need and that with your lack of hair you resemble a lobster on hot days :p:D
You forgot to say that years of inbreeding have rendered you with more pairs of arms/hands than you actually need and that with your lack of hair you resemble a lobster on hot days :p:D

Lobsters go well with chips.:rolleyes::p
me thinks who ever comes on chipy run 2 will be moer gobsmaced than part 1 boomer and i have spent the day enjoying more new tracks today

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