moreton and throop lane could be interesting...

Moreton is a nice ford washed me Landy in it after the Salisbury trip. No snorkel required.
Throop has a log across it. Check the write up on wetroads website. Not sure a snorkel would help with it.
Won't be doing Throop lane;)
Hope those coming on the second recce tomorrow are all still on for it, sorry not been on here much, just got back in from another busy week:rolleyes:
It's piddling down with rain, just as well we have good solid tracks today so we'll still be treading lightly despite the weather ;)
I'll try and get some of todays recce pics up if I wake up with enough time before work tomorrow night:eek:
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Ok Tilly, provisionally it is anticipated that the trip is to be held on Saturday 27th October (the last day of British Summertime), this date will hopefully be confirmed after it's been discussed with the remaining group leaders on the next recce trip ;):)

Can't wait really looking forward to meeting some of you guys:rolly:
theres some on FB from my daughter

So do ya like my roof spoiler then?:p:p:p

Can't wait really looking forward to meeting some of you guys:rolly:

And you.:)
not the best of pics.....


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