
Well-Known Member
I've just installed a XCSOURCE GPS Car Tracker with GPRS and Vehicle Theft Protection System. One of the ones off amazon.

It takes a micro sim and I'm just looking for the best pay as you go package. The tracker uses GPS and GPRS to track location and uses text messages to convey location data.

How much data does a GPS tracker use? Theres a good package that gives you 100mb a week, is that enough? Obviously don't want to run out of credit when I most need it.

Does anyone know if this unit constantly monitors its position or if it only does so when you ask it?

Also, wheres the best place to put the GPS or GPRS antenna?

It seems it constantly monitors its location. Does anyone know if it uses data to do so or? Or if it only uses data if you were to set it to upload locations to the internet?
Costs 1 text whenever you ask for a position or status. I use gifgaf, can be managed from your mobile. Position the GPS ariel close to a window, works good where I am. So far I have found it a bit flakey, it stopped recieving GPS data for a while, after a look see it started working again. Probably wouldn't recommend yet, i'd have to see it work reliably for a while.
It seems it constantly monitors its location. Does anyone know if it uses data to do so or? Or if it only uses data if you were to set it to upload locations to the internet?
I think it'll monitor where it is via gps constantly, it wouldn't make sense to text youths location if you're in it already or you know where it is. It must text it's location on demand. If so 100mb is ample, a text is only a few kb.
I think it'll monitor where it is via gps constantly, it wouldn't make sense to text youths location if you're in it already or you know where it is. It must text it's location on demand. If so 100mb is ample, a text is only a few kb.

Yeah, would imagine you have to send a request text to then recive a text back stating your car's co-ordinates.

Good, cheap little bit of security if it works and can cut the battery's power like the description states!
Yeah, would imagine you have to send a request text to then recive a text back stating your car's co-ordinates.

Good, cheap little bit of security if it works and can cut the battery's power like the description states!
How does it do all that? Good price mind.
How does it do all that? Good price mind.

I don't know I just read the description...........

Track on Demand - Replies with a TXT message of current latitude, longitude, speed, and time, as well as an Internet map link to your cellphone to show you exactly where the GPS tracker/your vehicle is.
Geo-fencing control - When the vehicle moves in/out the preset scope, it will send an SMS alarm to the authorized phone numbers.
Movement and Speed Alert:The tracker can warm you with SMS message when the vehicle starts to move from a stationary status, or when the vehicle is moving faster than a preset speed.
Stop the Engine: You can send an SMS message to the tracker to cut off the gas and battery power, so the engine will remain in an immobilized stated until your remove the alarm status.
GPRS: With a GPRS enabled SIM card, you can monitor real-time movement of your vehicle with the supplied software on your computer.

That's why I said IF it works it's a cheap bit of security. If you wake up in morning and your car is gone you can recive a text detailing where abouts your vehicle is (providing you've hid the box well enough the thieves haven't found it and ripped it out)

Be interesting to find out of anyone else has experience with this product as it may be a good buy. Providing it works as it says :D
I got a cheap one off eBay and it drives me mad.
There are about ten functions including text for position, low fuel, fast fuel drain, door open, listen in, ign on, virtual fence etc etc.
it sends me about twenty texts a day.
You can turn on or off the functions but the instruction book is in chinglish and very hard to interpret.
A tenner on the SIM card only lasts a week.
I just want to ask the fecker where it naffin is not get a running commentary.
I also attached a small alarm speaker you can set off by texting it for close recovery but that also goes off whenever it moves and you have to stop and text the sodding thing to turn it off.

The fuse has been removed and stood on. Good luck.

You have a pm.
Thanks for all the advice guys. You have to text it codes to control what it does.

I guess my main question is when a device uses GPS or GSM does that use up mobile data OR is the data only used when it it txts?
Thanks for all the advice guys. You have to text it codes to control what it does.

I guess my main question is when a device uses GPS or GSM does that use up mobile data OR is the data only used when it it txts?

Just done a quick Google search and I think you will only use the data when you send a text command to the vehicle.
Apparently using GPS alone doesn't use up data it is when you start using gps with something else, i.e.Google maps, that data starts been used. So if you text asking for your vehicles location it will use Google maps or some other mapping app and use the data to track the where abouts of said car.

That's just what I think after a Google search but I may be wrong!
I've just installed a XCSOURCE GPS Car Tracker with GPRS and Vehicle Theft Protection System. One of the ones off amazon.

It takes a micro sim and I'm just looking for the best pay as you go package. The tracker uses GPS and GPRS to track location and uses text messages to convey location data.

How much data does a GPS tracker use? Theres a good package that gives you 100mb a week, is that enough? Obviously don't want to run out of credit when I most need it.

Does anyone know if this unit constantly monitors its position or if it only does so when you ask it?

Also, wheres the best place to put the GPS or GPRS antenna?

Best place is in the headlining, ruin a wire up the pop it in and forget.
1. Disengaging oil on text not working go "phone number password space oil space on off"

I gave up after number three.
I have just picked mine up after an alarm and tracker being fitted. It's a very similar system to yours and the assured me no internet data was used. It texts the gps coordinates then I access with my smart phone!!
Very very impressed with the system, it tells me when the alarm goes off, if the doors have been opened and best of all I have complete control of the locking and immobilisation from my phone!!
when you start using gps with something else, i.e.Google maps, that data starts been used.

No, you use a map system on the device you're using to track the car - the tracker itself doesn't need maps because it just uses GPS-derived Lat/Lon.

It may use the cell system to initially locate itself and help the GPS receiver part to get a fix quickly in the same way that most mobile 'phones do, but that's not chargeable data. That's only on start up, so once it's up and running it will be GPS only anyway. Charging will only happen when it replies to your texted requests or if it autonomously decides to send you info. As Bobsticle says, you'll need to turn off all those alarms that you don't want to be paying for.
When you work out how to shut the thing up please let me know how it works. I might put the fuse back in.

I just want the basic text for position and nowt else.
Thanks very much everyone. Will give it a go on Monday and let you know.

My instructional
Manual is also in chinglish. If I get my head round it I'll let you know!

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