Liner or Cam wear?

  • Liner

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Cam

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Fecked Follower

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Tick what tick? Wait, where's me hearing aid?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who cares? You bought a P38 cheap what do you expect?

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
It definitely seems in time with that reddish rocker to me. Oil pressures a bitch on these and i think the pumps are worn at higher miles. The pumps are still available via britpart and not to pricey( relatively speaking)
Hi.. don't discount head gasket... same with mine.. looked everywhere..louder Under Wheel arch .. turned out to be headgasket I put a photo of hg on a post.

Kind regards
@Saint.V8 My previous Rangie developed a clatter/tick that was more noticeable when stationary and parked up alongside other vehicles or the central reserve barriers on the M25.
On the open road you hardly noticed it. Definitely Drivers side and so my first though was the concertina-joint between the 2 exhaust manifold halves.
Those exhaust manifolds are not cheap either! Got a 2nd-hand one (just in case) and had the manifold taken off to check it.
Turned out to be a split in the Exhaust manifold gasket. It was visible as a black sooty line on the cylinder head face. New gasket(s) and problem gone.
Maybe yours is the same?
You could shove some Wynns lifter treatment in - it won’t fix it but might give some indication if it is lifters.
I wouldn’t really expect oil related issues though as the oil gets much less carbon contamination on lpg.
A slipped liner would get louder as revs increased wouldn't it??

The noise seems to subside when revs are increased.

Dry tappet?

Lack of sufficient oil pressure to keep them pumped up?
So another minor update with more vids for you to mull over....

This is cold, engine started about 30 seconds prior to vid....

And this is warm after a 30 minute drive (15 minutes on the M3 for 7 miles then 15 minutes on a 40mph A road for 5 miles)

If it was manifold, that wouldn't explain the lack of power and hesitation along with a bit of popping and does 'seem' to be dropping a cylinder every now and then - it has a very very slight fluctuation during idle and when revved see seems to stutter and flutter up the rev band - maybe it is a blowing HG.....

Noted the backfiring and farting is worse on LPG than petrol.....LPG is ignition sensitive, so could be dicky plug(s) or lead(s).....

Thanks for offer of the dial gauge, I have one of those in me tool box (can't be a Landy owner and not have one!)

She hates hills especially at between 30-45 or so when it is below 2500rpm, drop it down a cog and she revs up, but farts and splutters a bit until you get above 3000rpm and she runs OK(ish) also reluctant to kickdown, but put it in sport and she kicks down readily.....
I agree that there aint't much oil coming out rockers. Suspect oil pressure is not up to spec
Silly question - have you tried running it on petroleum spirit to see if it stops the popping and missing (not lpg) and whilst I'm here your noise sounds like metal bits banging together (so not a leaky gasket etc).
V8's are well known for developing low down torque by their very nature - has it always been lacking or has it gradually got worse?
My guess from the second sound clip when warm (and oil thin) is that you have a tired lifter - the popping and farting as you describe might not be related to that, could be tired leads/plugs etc - I've heard plenty of engines with shot hydraulic tappets - they still run but are out of tune and just make a racket.
My lpg system has decided to spit the dummy and the car has a nasty misfire - runs sweet as on petrol though (so that's another thing for me to sort out).:(
Has it ever had it's ignition system overhauled?

It's possible it has degrading HT leads with duff coils and fooked spark plugs.

possibly causing the lack of power especially under load.

and that tapping could just be a lazy lifter ;)
That sounds very similar to mine when a big end had gone. I got slight dejavu! Mine didn't knock much when cold. When its so integral as a big end the noise seems to come from everywhere. The knock was actually the piston being forced down on the power stroke. Check it by taking the sump off and grabbing a big end and shaking it around. I put a used Conn rod on put the old piston back with new shells. Still didn't cure it knock knock. Ended up with a used crank off a Thor. Still a lot of diagnoses b4 that stage.
Hi Ant, just got around to your video, sounds very tappety to me. Do you have Flashlube fitted?
As has been posted not a lot of oil about. Did you slide a feeler gauge between the valves and rockers while it was running to see which one is noisey? Dont use a good set, it will get hammered.
On the first vid ,There is a second click /tick that sounds like a( h.t ) lead spark jumping to earth ,have a look in the dark see if it lights up like a xmas tree ...and a miss fire ,piston slap cause its not firing ,or broken piston ring n down on power ,,,,And oil flow is a little low for me at the top end ...;) and in the last vid the serpentine belt sounds ,like theirs a bit missing ..
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Sorry so late just see post I had Bois like that few weeks ago and asked for bit of advice it sounded like exhaust manifold so changed that still doing it I even asked in a little garage where I live couple of fitters said manifold grrrr said hg no water loss no maonaise in cap or over heating but he was spot on took it to my normal garage and they confirmed it so waiting now to get it back after having it done
OK - Small update - but no further forward, more of a game plan really - well almost,......OK, not so much a game plan, more like a 'what I might do' sort of thing.

The saga continues - from cold, she runs OK, pulls well, no popping pr farting.....once warm, the tick is there and she has a dislike of of revvving up to over take, unless you drop it into 3rd and boot it.....

When, unloaded she'll rev willingly and well all the way to the limiter, no issues, when loaded (had the wheels against a very high curb) and you on a bit of loud pedal, the tick is more pronounced and she will do the odd pop and fart, but will still attempt to climb the curb, so not lacking guts, just seems to be missing on a pot or two every now and then....once unloaded again, see idles with slight unevenness.

So, OK not a problem to take her off the road for a while, I have a spare car (the Baby BMW 3'er) only that is starting now mis-behave - it is an automatic, and now the Torque Converter Lock Up Clutch on that is on its way out, the revs keep fluctuating up and down when driving along - the TQLUC is coming on and off and it has developed what I originally thought was a wheel bearing going south, but she now has a prouncuned drone and rumble from the TQ area at speeds above 45mph - 70mph motorway driving and it is as loud as the 110 with no carpets and roof lining!

Brilliant - so, in order to get to work and still have the Range Rover off the road for investigation work, I have had to re-insure the 110 and take that on the 130 odd mile journey to work and back for the next few weeks as the BMW is not long for this world now (cost £300 odd quid and have had it over a year - to repair the TQLUC would be more than the car is worth and as such my go to the great scrapyard in the sky!).

Anyway, back to the P38.

The plan is to spend some time and do an Oil Pressure check as some of you have noted the seemingly low oil flow to the rockers, then I will begin taking the plenum, intake manifold and valley gasket off and take a look at the camshaft and followers more closely and see what that reveals. if all looks not too bad, then I will no doubt take the heads off just to check the HG's and liners and then drop the sump and check the big end shells.

Basically, it will be a few weeks work as I only get 1 day a weekend to do most of the work, so will be a few weekends to get things underway.....luckily I have the 110 to drive around in in the meantime - until my dad says 'Oi, where's my money' then I will have to sell it quicker than expected to pay him back!


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