
New Member
Who's a happy Roxxo then? :eek:

Oive only gawn an gawt mesen an ex MOD 109.
Just what I always wanted. (well not always, more sex would be nice, Mrs. Roxxo dictates when and where, whoops too much info :eek: .)

Gonna be spruced up and when I get all the info on her past life I'll be able to decal her up.
She's an '84 S3 109 24Volt, LHD 2.25 Petrol :)

Not into wearing the army gear and being a weekend warrior but good to have a vehicle with some history/provenance.

Nothing against those that dress up as soldiers, just not my scene.

But hey "whatever butters your muffin"

For those that are interested all the ex MOD vehicle records are now kept at Deepcut, Surrey.

Museum Archives

:D :D :D
Here she is. Gonna Christen her with a nice girlie name.

ffs - yu cant give her a girlie name - its ex MOD - unless its Boedica or summat;)

Hey, you're right. Gonna have to look in the old history books for something suitable. No not Margaret Thatcher!

Any suggestions?
I can't pronounce Boedica, bowdesseeia, boodikka oh fk!
Well landys love the mud and will pull anything you care to nail on the back so it could always be a "SWAMP DONKEY" At least thats what tries to pass as girlies round here on a Friday night!!!
Um Roxxo old chap...

Am I mistaken or it a left hand drive??
don't know about mistaken but yer must be blind or unable to read certain letters.. have another look at his description in his furst post on this fred , preferably with someone that dunt have a white stick
Gonna be spruced up and when I get all the info on her past life I'll be able to decal her up.
She's an '84 S3 109 24Volt, LHD 2.25 Petrol :)
Yeah alright Smartarse!

In my defence, I had just got in, kids were mucking about, dogs needed walking.. I woz distracted from the LHD bit.... :rolleyes:

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