
New Member
Well, I don't own a Landy, but I do own a 1969 Baja Bug that is very heavily modified with offroad use in mind. I won't bore you with details, since you are all Landy nuts and I'm a Dubber, but if anyone is interested just drop me a PM and I'll happily bore you to death!

I'm on here really to pick up more inspiration for off road mods, and to find out about off road centers, green lanes in my local area (Newbiggin_by-The-Sea) and anything else I can find out really!

Well, thats me! :D

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Maybe I misread your post, but I've just got on this site as I'm going to be a Landy owner - but surely, to get ideas on mods, for a Baja, surely it makes more sense to keep it in the family?????

You tell the fooker mate!! We don't want his sort on here :D :D :D

AzBaja.com VW Baja Bug OffRoad AzBaja VW Baja Bug Sand Rail Thing Off Road

Baja Bug Club UK for off road Baja's, Rails and Beach buggies

baja bug | baja 1000 | off road racing | desert racing

and not forgetting...

Baja.net Forums - Powered by vBulletin

Maybe I misread your post, but I've just got on this site as I'm going to be a Landy owner - but surely, to get ideas on mods, for a Baja, surely it makes more sense to keep it in the family?????
Please we have enough Bolshoi people on here. The lads only here for a chat.
Please we have enough Bolshoi people on here. The lads only here for a chat.

Thanks for that dude... :D


AzBaja.com VW Baja Bug OffRoad AzBaja VW Baja Bug Sand Rail Thing Off Road

Baja Bug Club UK for off road Baja's, Rails and Beach buggies

baja bug | baja 1000 | off road racing | desert racing

and not forgetting...

Baja.net Forums - Powered by vBulletin

Maybe I misread your post, but I've just got on this site as I'm going to be a Landy owner - but surely, to get ideas on mods, for a Baja, surely it makes more sense to keep it in the family?????

AZbaja.com - am a member and have bought a load of stuff from the USA that is not available in this country

Bajaclub - I'm a moderator on that forum, have marshalled for offroad event at Santa Pod for the Club, and am part way through constucting some Club assets for use at offroad events

Baja.net - am aware of, but not a member of, that forum.

Keep it in the family? I don't mean to sound like i am trying to teach you to suck eggs here, but how do you think new ideas are formed? Where do you think inspiration comes from? As my list of mods shows, I have just about taken the Baja, short of fitting front and rear wishbone suspension, as far as I can take it in my garage doing my own work. I came on here to see how Landy people do it, what mods you make, to see if there is a way I can fit Landy inspired mods onto my Baja (the external cage I often see on Landys round here being one that I have thought about and later dismissed for various reasons).

I think in all honesty that I am not going to get anything other than snide remarks, abuse and stick from you lot. None of that I mind, I quite like banter and was up for a bit of Dubs VS Landys stuff, but the fact that there has not been a single bit of constructive arguement, advice, or questioning about the mods that I have done, and have instead just started with telling me that I aint welcome, speaks volumes about what you guys are like as a whole. Maybe I expected too much? I don't know. Some of you think I am highly strung, insecure, or a knob. You're entitled to your oppinions of course, but for the record I'm really not. There are exceptions, some of your members seem alright, but as "Tugumafu" pointed out, I'm only on here for a chat. In light of that, I think I'll take the only bit of advice I have been given and leave you boys to it.

Thanks all the same

I think in all honesty that I am not going to get anything other than snide remarks, abuse and stick from you lot. None of that I mind, I quite like banter and was up for a bit of Dubs VS Landys stuff, but the fact that there has not been a single bit of constructive arguement, advice, or questioning about the mods that I have done, and have instead just started with telling me that I aint welcome, speaks volumes about what you guys are like as a whole. Maybe I expected too much? I don't know. Some of you think I am highly strung, insecure, or a knob. You're entitled to your oppinions of course, but for the record I'm really not. There are exceptions, some of your members seem alright, but as "Tugumafu" pointed out, I'm only on here for a chat. In light of that, I think I'll take the only bit of advice I have been given and leave you boys to it.

Thanks all the same


:( Sorry to see you go, dude!

On reading that thead you posted up about VWs sure what you originally posted was a bit "near the knuckle" and "controversial" but I just picked it up as a "look at my VW - show me what Land Rovers are made of!" thread and was welcoming a bit of friendly competition.

It seems that some people just don't know when to accept a friendly challenge and when to pick a fight....
don't ferget to pick yer dummy up on the way out.
You really don't see the irony of your postings, do you? :D

:( Sorry to see you go, dude!

On reading that thead you posted up about VWs sure what you originally posted was a bit "near the knuckle" and "controversial" but I just picked it up as a "look at my VW - show me what Land Rovers are made of!" thread and was welcoming a bit of friendly competition.

It seems that some people just don't know when to accept a friendly challenge and when to pick a fight....

Nonsense the rule of thumb is. When in doubt pick a fight. Then at the end of the fight if yer opponent says that was fun lets shake hands and start again you know s/he's the sort of person your gonna get on wiv. If on the other hand they spit their dummy and start shouting for their mummies then they probably need to find a forum that is more suited to their delicate dispositions, They're are plenty of them out there.

Forums are like pubs and clubs, Some you walk in and feel instantly welcome, some you walk in and think oh **** Am I gonna get out alive. And some are like poncy winebars, where you think bollixs I'm off somewhere else.

Why is it that people think that all forums should be cosy and warm like some sort of real ale country pub? where the landlord knows everyone by name and each person has his own pewter tankard behind the bar.

If a forum doesn't suit then move on it's simple enough.
Nonsense the rule of thumb is. When in doubt pick a fight.
Yes I can see the logic in that......... if you hang around a bus shelter wearing a hoodie and drinking cheap cider! :D

Why is it that people think that all forums should be cosy and warm like some sort of real ale country pub? where the landlord knows everyone by name and each person has his own pewter tankard behind the bar.
Yeah, what was I thinking? I meet a load of people with similar interests in vehicles and expect them to actually be nice? Next time there's a Land Rover meeting at our local I should just whack everyone about the head with an iron bar. Then at the end of the concussion/brain haemorraging if yer opponent says that was fun lets shake hands and start again you know s/he's the sort of person your gonna get on with.

If a forum doesn't suit then move on it's simple enough.
Yeah, I spotted there's a neo nazi and a BNP forum that are looking increasingly more warm and welcoming......

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