[ame=""]YouTube - horace andy with sly & robbie livin'it up 11/17 rastafari...[/ame]
Morning all....

going mtbing here today and its as sunny as the piccy.
Mornin guys :D................ its sunny here today.............ive all the windows open and the fresh air is great................ its like spring :D
Morning. not got up yet and the blinds are drawn so don't know what it's like outside.
yep should have been in the peaks today with mr muddy but due to crap nhs drugs knocking me for six i am home alone:Cry:
too many coffees not enough biscuits*
awwwwwww................. hope ya feel better soon :hug: .......... and tell MrMD when he gets home you need some TLC :D
just making him a home made meat and tatty pie i think the landrover, pie , then tlc in that order when he gets back bless at least i get in before the dog does
I could do with some TLC too :(................. Pikey............... get ya butt up here !!!! :hysterically_laughi
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