Gary Moore is one of my guitar idols.............

The stuck up ****er won't do a sound check unless everyone is out of the room. We did the heavy lifting at Hull City Hall when ever a band was on. He was the only one who spoke to us like we were ****. and who sent his manager out to tell us we couldn't take our break in the hall because "Gary wants to do his soundcheck now and he doesn't want you lot here when he does it"

I told him he was a jumped up little fook. and he didn't need to do a sound check cos every fooker knew he sounded ****, told him to just make sure everything else was turned up loud enough to drown out the noise he'd be making. He got a bit upset at that point, anbd demanded I be sacked. Until everybody else that was there pointed out that at the end of the gig. He'd be unloading the stage himself if I was. :D :D
when he was in hawkwind he and his girlfriend came off the bike they were on, she died, and he never really got over it, he loved her so much, and never met antone else that meant that much to him, it was really sad.
The stuck up ****er won't do a sound check unless everyone is out of the room. We did the heavy lifting at Hull City Hall when ever a band was on. He was the only one who spoke to us like we were ****. and who sent his manager out to tell us we couldn't take our break in the hall because "Gary wants to do his soundcheck now and he doesn't want you lot here when he does it"

I told him he was a jumped up little fook. and he didn't need to do a sound check cos every fooker knew he sounded ****, told him to just make sure everything else was turned up loud enough to drown out the noise he'd be making. He got a bit upset at that point, anbd demanded I be sacked. Until everybody else that was there pointed out that at the end of the gig. He'd be unloading the stage himself if I was. :D :D

When I saw him at Bristol, he was in the bar, with is guitar with a remote/wireless thingy n was supping his pint n talking to us all n doing his sound check from there - maybe you put him straight?????????????
When I saw him at Bristol, he was in the bar, with is guitar with a remote/wireless thingy n was supping his pint n talking to us all n doing his sound check from there - maybe you put him straight?????????????

Did he have a film crew with him???
when he was in hawkwind he and his girlfriend came off the bike they were on, she died, and he never really got over it, he loved her so much, and never met antone else that meant that much to him, it was really sad.

Nice bloke tho intee? You would think he is a drunken crack head or summit but he really isn't. He's intelligent and genuine - as you said "respect"
Back to the music - I got 3 DVDs packed with MP3 albums. If anyone wants to borrow them PM me with ur address - have put them on my hard drive so don't really need them but would like them back afterwards so I can offer them to someone else......
Allsorts on there
Back to the music - I got 3 DVDs packed with MP3 albums. If anyone wants to borrow them PM me with ur address - have put them on my hard drive so don't really need them but would like them back afterwards so I can offer them to someone else......
Allsorts on there

Just download LimeWire. yu can get owt ya want then.
limewire sucks.i belive in payin for music because of the people who make it.i am a musician an think music ought to be respected at all cost,i allways buy stuff.
I have stopped using most of those types of site. My experience is that over 80% have trojans and spyware embedded in them.
I have stopped using most of those types of site. My experience is that over 80% have trojans and spyware embedded in them.

i've got a seperate machine that isnt connected to the network for downloading, and everything is triple checked before it's allowed on my proper machines - as long as you've got some good AV and malware software there's nowt to be worried about

am downloading the 2009 version of microcat currently
i believe in artists being able to make a living for their work... not record labels ripping me off every time I want to listen to that artists work...

having said that I agree about the viruses so now I tend to use streaming instead, things like screamer radio or last fm
A friend gave it to me but it is totally legit else I wuldn't post it here. He is a bouncer at a nightclub.....
If wanna borrow that's fine - just sitting in my cd storage box......
I have stopped using most of those types of site. My experience is that over 80% have trojans and spyware embedded in them.

I've downloaded loads of torrents and about 5,000 tracks on limewire and the only virus I've ever had came when a friend borrowed me laptop to check his emails cos his pooter was broke. :mad:

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