Not much going on over the past 2 days apart from cleaning up the heater and blower - raining too hard to get much else done BUT I did manage to sell on my cannibalised bulkhead and recoup some of the cost of last weeks roadtrip. :)
OK, had a chance to get a bit more done. While it's dark outside I've been brushing back the bits I've got off and applying a bit of paint. I'm sure someone will tell me otherwise but my red oxide primer that I had left from priming some lintels seems to do OK and then I'm giving a coat of black Hammerite. Maybe not original but it works!!

I've also been looking at the lights within the removed wings. They seem to be missing something? Any ideas out there? Should they have something around the outside, fixing onto the wing?

And my last question for tonight! I created a little damage to the wing whilst removing it. Can anyone suggest how I could fix before returning it into position? Thanks

Forgot to say....... Managed to replace my senile radiator! Got a result on ebay, radiator and fan cowl for £10 and only 10 miles away. Result!

How easy is it to fix rust damage to the bottom of doors?
Penny washers are pretty good for using torn holes.

You can get repair sections for door bottoms to weld in. Even if you need to peal the ali skin to replace a length it's straight forward enough....

The top of the door bottom is more complicated
Pretty sure that's how they are on all military ones (I.e not having the headlight surround)

yeah the holes are just for fitting the civvy plastic trims, not fitted on the mil ones as its just extra **** to get shot off i imagine
At last the weekend comes around again. Not sure if I'm doing all this the right way round but I've decided to remove the contents of under the bonnet bit by bit, take pictures, take apart, rub down, put back together and then store in chronological order. This weekend I've been delving into the murky world of thermostats. Took the whole unit off, freed all the bolts and gaskets, took it apart and cleaned it.

Looked a bit grim when I opened it up.

Cleaned up quite well.

I even did the testing thing in a pan of hot water!

I've ordered a set of gaskets so I can reassemble it but there was thickish rubber seal around the edge of the thermostat which peeled off when I disassembled it. Should I replace this and does anyone know where I can get one? Thanks
The head section that is shown in the hose should have a rubber ring in it and the seal is normally a paper gasket on that joint where rubber was.
Really nice old war horse that.
Will you paint over The IRR Paint?
Military Land Rovers are my main interest although im from away from an expert, but i think yours is a 3/4 ton utility truck 12v GS (General Service) vehicle and if kept original is quite a rare thing on the scene now as years ago they were ten a penny as opposed to FFR/CL so people could pick them up cheap and modify them leaving the FFR's etc original.
If you like give me the Mil Reg and ill find out more details about your truck for you.
Mil Land Rovers intrigue me greatly:D

Oh btw the headlight surrounds were left of as Mil Landy's have special rims around the headlight, they are prone to rotting out and as such are quite rare now, PA Blanchards sell them used, they are about £64.75 altogether shipped so be care full with yours:eek:

Best of luck
Really nice old war horse that.
Will you paint over The IRR Paint?
Military Land Rovers are my main interest although im from away from an expert, but i think yours is a 3/4 ton utility truck 12v GS (General Service) vehicle and if kept original is quite a rare thing on the scene now as years ago they were ten a penny as opposed to FFR/CL so people could pick them up cheap and modify them leaving the FFR's etc original.
If you like give me the Mil Reg and ill find out more details about your truck for you.
Mil Land Rovers intrigue me greatly:D

Oh btw the headlight surrounds were left of as Mil Landy's have special rims around the headlight, they are prone to rotting out and as such are quite rare now, PA Blanchards sell them used, they are about £64.75 altogether shipped so be care full with yours:eek:

Best of luck

wasnt there also some IR shield that clipped over the headlights to?
I believe so Flat but i havent seen these for years nor the IR goggles.
Nice 90 btw i read your thread on emlra.

thanks :) its laid up at the moment as i cant drive it, so its tucked up in the garage.

Next year will get it sorted, new seats and a worklight are the limit of my plans, +/- a steering guard

oh and some laning :)
Brings back memories, a few of those still at the unit I arrived at all those years ago, great vehicles, usually find on an ex mil the chassis will be solid for the most part as they were always either covered in mud or at the wash down getting cleaned, nice project, well done
Brings back memories, a few of those still at the unit I arrived at all those years ago, great vehicles, usually find on an ex mil the chassis will be solid for the most part as they were always either covered in mud or at the wash down getting cleaned, nice project, well done

Thanks, Lee. I just wish that I had a bit more time to spend on her!
Next silly question, showing my ignorance..........

After stripping the thermostat back and cleaning everything, I got new gaskets before putting it all back together. Do you add anything ie grease to the gasket or just pop them in???????:confused:
Different on my 110 maybe but as part of an entire engine gasket change recently my thermostat housing would not seal so a line of sealant over the gasket cured it, pretty sure a gasket should be fitted without the need for anything unless anyone knows any different?
Found a few hours today to pull some more bits off the engine! As ever, I'm working a little blind but learning as I go along.
Alternator was getting in the way and looking a bit grim.

So I took it off and tried to clean it up (are there any serviceable parts inside?)

I then started playing with the distributor and associated cables.

Eventually took it all off.

Should I have taken it right off?

Looks nice and shiny inside........
I then started on the carb. I've taken so many pictures just so I can remember where to put everything when I put it back together....

Some of them bolts are a bugger to get to!

Came off eventually.

This bit looks like it's made of Bakerlite. Is it? Its also got a crack in it. Can I get a replacement one for when I put it all back together?

It's all looking much bearer now. What's next?

Todays removals....

All holes now bunged with rags and back under wraps until next weekend. Roll on Christmas when I'll have a few days to really crack on.:)