Well the company is certainly real, but looking at the google maps streetview images, and especially the cars in the back of the yard, kind of paints a different picture to the ones listed for sale.

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That company name has been trading for over 20 years, I mean I can see why with that amazing building etc!

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Thats a scam all day long. Loads of them with classified adverts. Before tomorrow that account will be loaded with all sorts of
vehicles at too good to be true prices.
I was under the impression dealers have to display reg number.
It has a reg number shown AV52 NGE .... whether that is AV52NGE is anyone's guess.
MOT history looks ..... OK-ish for the age and mileage.
No idea if it's a ringer/crash-rebuild etc.
ACW is there, I drove past it yesterday. Is that carthere.... No idea.
Is that car genuine? No idea.
Want me to go look? ... pay me to go have a poke around? ;)
Never been there, definitely won't bother either.
I lived in an MFV in the boatyard on the point years ago.
Actually an OK place in a sort of low rent way, it was a working place in those days, if you are interested in the boat and sea side of things.
Think a lot of it has had "Executive Homes" built on it now, but that is the same lots of places.
Canvey supposedly has the biggest salvage yard in Europe, there are full transporters all day long back and forth. Never empty, full both ways, I would suggest too good to be true, there are cheeky likeable rogues on canvey, and there are crooks, you pay your money, you take your chance
ACW is there, I drove past it yesterday. Is that carthere.... No idea.
Is that car genuine? No idea.
Want me to go look? ... pay me to go have a poke around? ;)
I've been past that before, as you say is the car genuine, also if the phone numbers on the advert different to acw it might not even be them. You ring them, they say it's not at the lot , send a deposit and we'll save it.
I was looking at a John Deere tractor on the internet, looked great in the pictures, about £5k under dealer retail, I sent the screenshot to my son, he found it from a dealer website six months previously where it had been legally sold using the very same pictures
Those land rover’s in the pictures posted will be the same, from someone else’s advertisement

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