
Well-Known Member
Hi Folks,

I realise parts of this have been covered before, but as things move on and technology/intelligence changes it can be good to have an up to date summary.

Hopefully it's not long till I get stuck into my 110 rebuild, and I've been thinking about the security features I'll need to add in light of all of the landy thefts these days. Indeed only last week did someone post on here about one being stolen from just a few miles away from me.

This is what I know I *must* do:

1) Glass security etching - free from autoglass apparently, or else a cheap ebay kit

2) Sky-tags - I think there's a landy security website which has a deal with these people to keep a DataBase of landy forum member skytag numbers. I'm not sure how useful these are, but I can't see any reason not to fit them to the roof.

3) After-market alarm of some sort


Before I get lynched by the "don't talk about your security measures on the internet" mob, I'd like to state that I believe it to be more important to deter the 99% of landy thieves who come with basic equipment rather than the 1% who will steal your landy no matter what you do to it.

then my *optional* security measures which I'm still not sure about

4) Those side-bar locks which lock the door against the whole side of the body of a defender

5) Fancy alarm with proximity sensors inside (could be annoying as hell)

6) Some kind of tracker system (seems very expensive to get something which is not easily jammed)

7) Better door locks?? I'm not sure what's available but a more advanced barrel and a locking mechanism seems like it might be a good idea.

8) ID Marking *everything*... but how? simple UV pen? DNA ink?

It would be good to get some real-world feedback on people who've tried the above systems, and the opinions of anyone connected with "the law" who might have up-to-date information on the most common "attack vectors".

The UV pen thing is a confusing one for me, as I sort of imagine that even the most lazy of thieves would run a black-lamp over parts before selling them on?


Have a look on the Stolen Land Rovers thread ...

Ratty has been making notes on security measures ...
couple of things you haven't got on your list, handbrake locks and pedal locks, hidden switches that break the ignition circuit.

but as you say if its the 1% and they turn up with one of those lifting recovery trucks only a tracker would potentially be of use, assuming they don't find it and take it off.
I've got detachable steering wheel, alarm with 2 immobilisers, and a kill switch,and I'm still paranoid about it getting stolen,if they want it they'll have it, all you can do is slow them down.

Do you know what.... I was all ready to apologise for missing that thread (as I thought I had missed it), but actually no.. I'd rather not have to sit through a tonne of pages of people bitching about how realistic a poll is, and whether the person actually responded to a pm... etc etc etc. The link above is a poll discussion thread... What I'm after it something more wordy and descriptive. I hope you generous folk can see the difference.


I feel pretty safe with my stop lock pro, (thatcham aproved) I can talk about it as its visable to all,
so is my imobiliser, as a few weeks ago, i
overheard someone in the dark of night, outside my bedroom window saying "you wont nick that, its got an imobiliser"..
but they did break my back door handle trying to get in....

lets face it, if anyones ever been banger or stockcar racing, just looking in the pits at how easy it is to move anything, "if they wanted too"

just use visual deterrents for the average lowlife scum to stop them..
more secretive devices will either trace / help get back, or stop the average scum thief from getting far "on there own"

gangs going equiped to steal are different, just got to see vids on youtube where fenders and a length of rope steal hi end classic race cars with ease out of locked showrooms in the dark hours..

had my old disco 7 years now, would hate to lose it..
not worth a fortune, but its mine.....:rolleyes:
With discovery they are more likely to leave you another one than steal yours :)
the real targets are defenders particularly ones with "bling"
I dont believe in making entry too difficult as it only leads to more damage, preventing starting , and making it impossible for them to stay long is what i rely on .
With discovery they are more likely to leave you another one than steal yours :)
the real targets are defenders particularly ones with "bling"
I dont believe in making entry too difficult as it only leads to more damage, preventing starting , and making it impossible for them to stay long is what i rely on .


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