Driving along this morning and heard a bit of a grinding noise from the front lost all transmission, got a mate out to it and it had jumped out of hi into neutral :doh: i tried the low gears yesterday and oviously hadnt engaged it fully back into hi i felt a plonker but relieved the gearbox is sound :)
Can anyone suggest somewhere I can buy these seals? Couldn't find them at LRSeries.com

6. Fit 3 new rubber seals one the shaft (careful, they are square and must fit precisely, quite a puzzle) using vaseline for greasing
7. Fit a new governor valve complete with valve housing

I believe the code for 3 seals is RTC 4660 but no idea about the other, is this info in RAVE somewhere?

Finally is the article referring to the gearbox sump and gear box oil filter in point 9?

9. While you are at it, remove the ZF transmission sump (well, drain before) and replace the steel mesh oil screen.

Anyone got any ideas?

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