:D love threads like this...i read and read...and read some more before i touched any of the ratios...read manual too btw
haha this is a great thread! am i to understand that the op is blaming the fact that his fender wont drive in neutral on his sister?
Question is how old is his sister, should she even be touching knobs yet? or even have a licence
this guy never fails to amaze me.... wonder if im allowed to post on his freds now :confused2: :D
havent been here for a few days,.

this thread just reminded me why I like this forum.

you guys are ****ing priceless.

havent laughed so much in weeks.
my sisters aged 11 and for that reason the "should she even be touching knobs yet?", thats just descusting

Not half as bad as your spelling :doh:
We had numerous counts of RTFM now we have RAFD, but thats probably far beyond you too
my sisters aged 11 and for that reason the "should she even be touching knobs yet?", thats just descusting

So you blame your 11 year old sister for playing with transfer box gear leaver-Cute

Sounds like pinocchio

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