
Active Member

I have a 110 and the gear knob as well as the knob on the small shaft are damn loose and checked the gear knob and found no threads inside at all, it just rotates while driving, once nearly coming in my hand while driving.

Seems the threads which were inside the knob have been totally screwd up or were never there. Do new knobs come with threads inside or do they have a hole where a screw can be screwed to to tighten it. Saw threads on the gear and smaller shafts though.

Some info will be great.
why waste yer money on a new set ide first try putting some plumbers tape on the thread and try tightening them up on that
Hi there Prith, :blabla:
why not just fill it with metal putty, sets solid drill out a hole and the tap out a thread. You should have it fixed in 20Mins job done
good luck
:D just what i did, clean the threads with petrol to de-grease, blob of araldite, leave it fer ten mins, job done,

save yer money till somethin really breaks !:eek:

Yeah but what happens when I want to remove the knobs again. with Araldite it will be for ever.!
I went to TK-max and bought a couple of the replacement ones you get in halfords only cost a couple quid each. They fix on by 3 allen keys to the shaft below the thread.
alternatively for a more creative solution you could nick a pool ball of your choice and carefully drill out the correct diameter hole for you shaft, a blob of araldite and bob is your mothers brother... actually don`t nick nothing, buy one of ebay from someone else who has nicked it and hey presto, clear conscience....

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