no handy male friends who'll do favors for food ?

they would if I asked but they've all got families of their own and dont like to impose- my dad used to help me out but he had a stroke and gets tired easy now and dont like to ask him.

Pride's a good old thing- kind of keeps you happy even if it doesnt keep you warm :)
swallowing isn't so difficult apparently ;)

got an image to maintain- only you lot know I'm completely useless- to everyone else in the real world I appear indomitable and completely in charge- shush:eek:
got an image to maintain- only you lot know I'm completely useless- to everyone else in the real world I appear indomitable and completely in charge- shush:eek:

nowt wrong with asking for a bit of help, but i suppose it's nearly summer time so you won't really miss it so much
nowt wrong with asking for a bit of help, but i suppose it's nearly summer time so you won't really miss it so much

dont think the evenings have worked out that its meant to be getting warmer:( still only 3 weeks til it'll be fixed- then I can have a nice deep bath- sick of washing with pans of water
its having a house full of girls- hair washing's a bit of a nightmare but we get by
My area is predicting that they will declare after 3.30- dont think I can hold out til then- wont be able to do anything tomorrow if i'm too knackered

what's your constituency i'll watch out for the result

Rugby & Bulkington- they just added on Bulkington this year after taking off Kenilworth and sitting conservative MP is moving with the safe seat in Kenilworth so our old Labour MP is restanding- only 5% diffence in last election-
Rugby & Bulkington- they just added on Bulkington this year after taking off Kenilworth and sitting conservative MP is moving with the safe seat in Kenilworth so our old Labour MP is restanding- only 5% diffence in last election-

touch and go then, good luck
night night

see what tomorrow brings and what kind of a country we will be landed with:confused:
Yes. If I could get an exchange unit, that would suit. Was offered another box yesterday. But its in a Series that is in a field for the past , God knows how many years. There is a lot of time in removing & fitting that I would just like to know what I am fitting.Help, please

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