Is he blind?? Maybe he thinks he's on the underground....he wins ''arse so far tonight''..
I dont know why hes never got a knighthood...not everyones cup of tea..but hes served the industry well..
get back in the kitchen

too cold in kitchen now ive finished cooking earlier- my central heating's packed in and can't afford to get it fixed til next pay day coz just paid my car tax:mad:
too cold in kitchen now ive finished cooking earlier- my central heating's packed in and can't afford to get it fixed til next pay day coz just paid my car tax:mad:

any clue what's wrong with it, Medusa might be able to dial in and sort it while your asleep
any clue what's wrong with it, Medusa might be able to dial in and sort it while your asleep

thought we'd established that technical things not my strength- if cant change headlight bulb not likely to be able to diagnose my central heating fault- boiler just isnt working- no hot water or heating

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