
New Member
Has anyone tried one of these?

I was going to get a clutch claw, but for an extra tenner or so, I could get a full metal jacket, which in theory looks like it would be a bit more secure, by fully covering all the pedals. The trouble is, there isn't a lot of info on them around....Anyone on here seen one in action? Or know of anyone who has got one? Any pics to see?!
Nothing at all? Nobody seen or tried one, or heard anything about them?

I suppose I'm going to be the guinea pig then...
I had heard of them but don't know anybody who's got one.

didn't Pikey have a link on his sig at one time that led to some anti theft device or other/
Ive tried getting in touch with R&S Laser cutting that make these and one of their phone numbers is out of use and the other one doesnt get answered, so im guessing they may have gone out of business??
i use this


  • 52089990_17e128e5e0.jpg
    56.7 KB · Views: 319
I thought I'd resurrect this thread...I got hold of a full metal jacket this week, and it seems pretty good, solid, and well made.


Not bad , although it does look like the kind of thing you could make for a fraction of the cost.. :cool:

I was thinking about making myself a clutch claw type device a while ago, but havnt had much free time since :(


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