Ah tried but the fookin barrel is too long and ah cant reach the trigger. Ah wud make sumut up but I'm too busy trying to make a log splitter out of a high lift and makin a coont orf it, and it's a dangerous fooker aswell.

You ever seen one used like that??, my logs are discs 2ft in dia and a foot thick, I tried boltin a wedge onto where the base went but the landie aint heavy enough, whole fookin mornins wurk aswel.
buy a fookin axe then
wots wrong wiv one of these?

ah dun broke me splitting axe but as me heating fooking works now ah dint need it

Ah have a splittin axe but me backs fooked, managed last year but strugglin this time, un me lads a poosie, cudnie swing a fookin handbag.
it'll cost about 15 quid for filters

what are you using to filter it??

all you need is;

1 sieve £1
a pair wimmins tights 50p
1 funnel £1

cut the handle off the sieve, cover it with one leg of the tights, place the sieve inside the funnel. put the funnel into your empty dtum and then stand the full drum over the top of the funnel. puncture the bottom of the full drum with a screw driver and keep the cap tightly screwed on. leave this over night and it will slowly drain through and filter into the bottom drum ;)
Why don't they just hurry up and get these things to us? Only looks like a small thing that does the work, would fit in the back of a land rover without a problem!

I think once they get that thermal fusion thing sorted they will, but of course, and there is always a but, how will they charge for the water coz there is no point putting a meter in yer house, it fookin rains 26 weeks of the year. It sure as fook will go in yer car.

but I'll be dead by that time and you will be a baldy git wif the kids in the back givin yer grief.
what are you using to filter it??

I got some of them filter socks, 25, 10 & 5 micron after a friend recomended them. He's been filtering it for a few years and said It was probably best to filter it to that level. Its a bit of a faff..

cut the handle off the sieve, cover it with one leg of the tights, place the sieve inside the funnel. put the funnel into your empty dtum and then stand the full drum over the top of the funnel. puncture the bottom of the full drum with a screw driver and keep the cap tightly screwed on. leave this over night and it will slowly drain through and filter into the bottom drum ;)

There was me getting all technical. Instead of working to microns I should have bin using the denier scale. I was told the landy fuel filter will filter out anything over 10 microns and forecourt fuel was filtered to 5 - 10 microns. If the tights get it down to about 10 microns all I need to do is change mi landy filter if it gets clogged.

I'll give it a go yella, thanks

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