Apparently they are according to the news yesterday, and Trewy. Drive away's from petrol stations are rising too........................and oil prices are still set to rocket!

Spain, India, France, all over, people are blockading & burning things. Even in the UK, people having a bit of a moan. :rolleyes: It's all farked I tell yer! :eek:

i was in manchester the other day , and you have to PAY BEFORE you fill up.....

stood there like a arse looking blank thinking come on switch the dam thing on, after 5 mins he told me to come and pay first..

i bet this will be happening all over the uk the way things are going.
its obseen the price of fuel...

in the paper ove the weekend some foreign place (Venezuela) petrol was only 2.5p a litre.... its worth going out there for it at that price and bringing it back in 50 gallon drums for personal consumption!

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