From time to time my 300tdi won't start easily. As the starter cranks you can hear it partially firing but you have to crank it for 20 sec or so whilst pumping the throttle.

Does it every few weeks so nothing major, but thought I'd ask as it did it today. Did 50 miles this morning then left from 7:30am to 5pm and struggled to start. It's the same sort of effect as trying to start in mid winter without giving the glow plugs a chance...... However it was 31 deg where I was today!

Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
Dirt, air leak or lift pump. If it dies under load it will be lift pump. Does it feel down on power flooring it up very steep hills?
It doesn't seem to drive differently. A couple of people with TDI's have driven it in the past and commented on how quick it is. I've not noticed any change in performance. Does this make it sound like a lift pump then?
It doesn't seem to drive differently. A couple of people with TDI's have driven it in the past and commented on how quick it is. I've not noticed any change in performance. Does this make it sound like a lift pump then?

The only way I would know how to test the lift pump is drive up something near vertical and see if it stalls. They feel normal on road but under load they stall the engine and eventually they just go and don't work at all. Not saying that's what it is for sure but it's a good place to start.
the most conclusive test is to put clear plastic pipe in between front pipe banjo on front of pump and filter to check whats actually getting to pump ,air bubbles or clear fuel

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