
Hello everyone,

So newish to this forum, and needed help with my beloved
L322. I had a water pump leak on it, which a local
mechanic tried to replace. In the process he broke the
thermostat housing and damaged the fuel pump. After
replacing the parts and getting the fuel pump 'fixed' the
car won't start.

Got it seen at LR specialist and they are saying scrap her,
because there seems to be a felling issue and also 3 out of
the cylinders are not working like they should. However
when I've had the car before this repair work she drove
beautifully and sounded stunning. So really stuck as to
what I should do, does anyone know if an issue with the
fuel pump can cause issues with the engine?

Any advice/comments are much appreciated.
Not something I've worked on but others may know.
"3 out of the cylinders are not working like they should" is a bit vague, did they say what exactly was wrong?
Not something I've worked on but others may know.
"3 out of the cylinders are not working like they should" is a bit vague, did they say what exactly was wrong?
No nothing specific, thats part of the reason I feel unsure as to how to proceed. they suggested i should scrap her but it seems a bit premature to do that.
No nothing specific, thats part of the reason I feel unsure as to how to proceed. they suggested i should scrap her but it seems a bit premature to do that.
Find someone that actually wants to figure out the issue, rather than fob you off with BS, and get the moron who damaged it pay for any rectification work. ;)

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