Nomad Z

My fuel guage behaves strangely. Sometimes, it's normal - shows a level of fuel, which changes slightly as I turn corners, etc. Sometimes, it suddenly drops by about two gallons, and sometims jumps back up. Recently (last few days), it has been bouncing up and down as if there was a dodgy connection. It would go from anywhere to near empty (tank full) to full, and stop at random points in between.

The motor's an '86 LR 90 with a 200tdi. I'm not aware of the tank/sender/guage having been changed. That said, it was originally a petrol engine - would/should the tank etc have been changed for diesel?

Would appreciate comments before I think about pulling things apart.
Sounds possibly like the sender unit is knackered. my 1990 90 had similar problems few months back, changed the sender unit and all is good, easy to do.....under the drivers seat, pull off the electrical connection, spray up with WD40, 1/4 turn the large nut and remove. replace in reverse. paid around £15 on ebay....
Worth having a look at the sender, methinks. Doesn't need something annoying like a new gasket every time it's removed, does it?
no...the main large 'nut' works on a cam type tightening set screw thread. take you 2 mins to remove it.
i have the same landy as yourself, i have the same problem with mine, although once the fuel gauge goes just below half, the needle is up and down like a yo yo, ive replaced the sender twice checked all the wiring earths ect, still the same, ive just learned to live with now

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